Chapter 5

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Dani's POV

"Where were you?"

"Hello to you too".

Libby's face goes from worried to annoyed in a second. "Danielle, where have you been? And what are you wearing?"

"I don't think I'm ready for that story to be told".

"What do you mean?"

The colour drains from Libby's face and I feel like an asshole. I was just joking but of course, her mind has gone to something terrible happening.

"It's nothing bad. Just annoying, I guess".

She lets out a breath and looks me up and down again. "So...the clothes?"

"It was raining a lot and your friend Rúben decided to pay me back for looking after him by driving me home".

"So these are his clothes?"

"Yes. Mine are in a pretty bad state right now".

"That's nice of him. Did you thank him?"

"Yes, mum".

She shakes her head and takes my bag from my hands. "I'll go wash this...were you jumping in a puddle or something? What happened?"

"A bike rode through a puddle and I was standing next to it".

"Thank God for Rúben's help. I'll put this in the wash and then we can have our dinner".

"I'll just have tea and biscuits. I ate at Rúben's".

Libby stops walking to stare at me. Yes, it's really that odd that I trusted someone who isn't her.

"Did you thank him for the food?"

I flip the bird at her and she leaves, laughing softly. But I could tell she wanted to say more. I want to ask myself more questions too. Like why did I stay there with him? Why did I accept his help? Why did I feel so...I don't know, like I haven't felt in a long while.

But the main question is why does it have to be someone who slept with my sister that makes me feel anything? Nothing could ever happen between us. And he's probably just bored and playing with me anyway. Better me than Libby, I guess.

Even though Libby wants me to talk more about today, I refuse. And I didn't lie, I'm not really hungry. Or feeling too well. So I take my tea and go back to my room to study.

Rúben's POV

"Rúben? Hi! What are you doing here?"

"Dani forgot this at my place", I tell Libby, passing her the notebook I found.

"Thank you for bringing it back. And for your help. It would be even worse had you not picked her up", worse? "I'll go get your clothes. I washed them yesterday".

"Sure. Um...Libby, what do you mean by worse?"

"Dani is sick. I guess she caught a cold from being in the rain wearing wet clothes for too long. She had to skip class today and is in a mood".

Libby rolls her eyes and goes to find my clothes. I get inside their apartment and close the door. And it's then I start to hear coughing noises.

"Here! Again, thank you. It was very kind of you to pick her up".

"Not a problem", more coughing. "Has she taken any medicine?"

"I was going to pick some up now before work. I should actually get going so I'm not late".

"I'll get it".

She stops walking to look at me with a curious face. "There is no need for that. But I appreciate your offering".

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