Chapter 16

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Dani's POV

The worst thing about heartbreaks is that the world around us keeps moving. No one stops to allow us some time to heal. No. It almost seems like the world moves faster, actually. And I don't know how I'll catch up with it.

At least going to uni helps me. I can concentrate on the lessons and Sam no longer tries to get me to talk about what happened. She knows I will when I'm ready.

"Libby, what are you doing here?", I ask when I come back home and find her there.

"I took half the day off".

"Stop doing that".

Libby is so worried I'll break, she keeps doing this. Changing her shifts so she works mostly when I'm sleeping and she's here with me when I'm awake. I appreciate it but I also need some space and she's not allowing me to have it.

"But I just want to help...".

A knock on the door interrupts her and she gets up to see who's there. I'm about to turn to see who it is when I hear his voice.

"Move", says Rúben. And I've never heard him talk like that to anyone. His tone is so cold and angry.

Libby just stares at him and then looks at me. She looks...scared. Is it because of how he spoke to her?

"What are you doing here?", I ask him, not ready for this conversation.

"It was her, Dani".

He's pointing at Libby, whose face turns pale.

"What are you talking about?"

"She sold the information to the press to break us up".

"She didn't even know we were together...", but then I remember Libby telling me she was sorry. And throwing up when she realised how much Ruben meant to me. "Lib?"

"I'm so sorry, Dani", she says, starting to cry.

"You didn't...".

She looks up at me, face red and tears staining her cheeks. And she nods.

No...not Libby. Never Libby. I could take anyone in the world hurting me, but not Libby.

"One of the PR guys for the club helped me try to find out, Dani. And then he told me it was someone called Elizabeth and I didn't know who the fuck that could be but Libby is short for Elizabeth, right?"

It is.

"And then I checked and the last name used was your mother's maiden name. You thought you were so smart, didn't you?"

"I'm so sorry", says Libby again, just looking at me. "I didn't know what was happening...".

"Stop talking!", says Rúben and his fucking tone keeps pissing me off.

"Don't tell her what to do!"

"Dani, you can't be serious! I just told you...".

"Go! I need to talk to my sister".

"There is nothing to say. Look what she did to us. To you!"

"Get out!"

Rúben seems to finally understand that I need to be with my sister. I need to talk to her. I need to understand what's going on. Before my mind explodes. And before my heart breaks any further.

"I'm not giving up, Danielle. Just know that".

"I need time", I whisper and he nods, finally leaving me alone with my sister.

Libby doesn't even seem to be here anymore. Not mentally. She looks so lost and so sad. I wonder if I look the same.

"Libby...", I start to say but she interrupts me.

"I don't mind being used, you know? It seems that's all men see in me, someone to use. But you're special. You're smart and way prettier than I'll ever be".

"What are you saying? You're smart too. And you turn heads everywhere you go. I'm just plain compared to you".

"I might turn heads because I know what men want to see. But you could get them to stay".

"You could too...", my heart breaks for her. "You are special. You're everything to me, Libby. That's why this hurts so much".

"I'm sorry. I thought I was protecting you", and when I look into her eyes, I see she means it. She truly means it.

"You should have asked me first".

She nods before letting her head fall.

"I hate myself".

"And I love you".

"How can you still love me?"

"How could I not?"

I get closer to her and hold her hand. Her grip is so strong. Like she's worried I'll disappear if she lets go.

"I know after Aaron broke your heart you got into this weird mindset but you have to wake up from it. You deserve more. You're special, Lib".

"No one thinks I'm special".

"I do. And remember what we always said. It's us against the world. It's always been. You come before anyone else".

"I don't deserve you, Dani".

"I'm just trying to give back an ounce of everything you've done for me. I will always choose you. Over everyone. No matter how many mistakes you make".

"What if he was supposed to be the love of your life?"

"No love is bigger than the one I have for my sister".

"Please talk to him, Dani. He'll never forgive me and I can live with that but you need to give this a chance. You deserve a happy ending".

"I can't...".

"Just think about it. I'll be out of your way. I'll leave when he's here...whatever it takes".

"No, Lib...".

"Whatever it takes for you to be happy".

But she doesn't get it. This, Rúben and I, felt forbidden once...but now? Now it is. More than ever. I can't deal with people judging us for being both with the same man. I can't cope with the shame and the comments...just remembering how much it hurt to hear some of my classmates talking about Libby makes it clear. This would be the same, times a hundred.

"How could I...".

"Give it time, I guess. And...", her head falls again, "the money they gave me has gone to your uni account. Just in case you wonder where it came from. I couldn't bring myself to keep it. It feels dirty. It is dirty money. At least it'd be put to good use".

I nod and she looks at me before going to her room.

And I stay staring at her now closed door, hearing her loud sobs and wondering how someone who loves me so much could hurt me in this way. And wondering what to do next. About her, about Rúben...about all of it. 

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