Chapter 12

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Dani's POV

"All good?", asks me Libby, startling me a little. I was just sitting and thinking about what had happened with Rúben.

"Yeah, you?"

She nods. "Ready for the trip tomorrow?"

"I guess".

"Come on, it can be fun. And I put some money away for you to take to it". Libby picks up her wallet and takes a couple of notes. "For food or whatever".

"I have money...".

"And now you have this money too".

"Ok", I say, smiling and taking the money.

Going on a trip with my uni class feels...stupid? Like it's a school thing, not a university thing. But it's paid by the uni and it counts for a final grade so there's no other option for me.

However, it allows me to spend some time on the bus with Sam, where I can tell her all about what happened with Rúben without fearing anyone overhears.

"Just a kiss then?", she says, wiggling her eyebrows.

"A little make out I guess but there wasn't time for more. Libby got back home".

"It sucks when someone cockblocks you".

"Sam, don't say that", I cringe.

"What? She cockblocked you".

"Stop saying that!"

We both laugh. God, this is so weird but so great. Just laughing with my friend about something like this. It feels like something I should have experienced 6 years ago, not now.

"So, what are you going to do now?"

"I don't know", I sigh. "I feel Libby is ok with all of this, which is weird. Like she can tell something is going on and she has silently told us it's fine".

"I told you she wouldn't care. And she knows he's good in bed already so her blessing means a lot".


"What? A good sister would tell you if he was terrible!"

I just shake my head, checking my phone again. I've now turned into that type of person apparently.

"Has Rú...".

"Call him something else".


"Just in case".

"Right...has Roger said anything after the kiss?"

"Yeah", I say with a little smile. "We texted a bit last night. He wants to meet again. Not at my place, obviously".

"Are you going to?"

I turn to look at her and nod, before looking away, fearing I'll blush.

"If you need an excuse, tell Libby you're staying at my house".

"That's...a great idea, actually. I didn't even think about it".

"I got ya", she says, elbowing my side softly.

The whole trip is as boring as I expected but at least I can entertain myself by taking notes.

"You're the only one taking notes".

I turn to see who's talking and see it's James. He's one of the guys from Sam's school but he seems a bit different. Less...well, less of an asshole.

"I like taking notes".

"I bet you're a great studying partner".

"Don't know. I don't have one to ask for a rating".

"I don't have one either. Maybe we could be each other's partner".

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