Chapter 4

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Dani's POV

It's pissing down with rain when we get out of class. Fantastic.

"Do you have an umbrella?", I ask Sam.

"No. But the bus stop isn't that far away".

"Bus stop? What about your car?"

"In what is the worst timing ever, it's being repaired. I would give you a lift if I could but...".

"That's ok".

When we walk towards the bus stop, I notice a car parked near the entrance of the uni and I'm not the only one who does. There is so many students around it.

"Holly shit! It's Rúben Dias!"

I see Rúben hearing his name and he seems to panic slightly. He didn't expect to be recognised because he has his hoodie on. Not really doing much to help his peers beat the footballers are dumb reputation.

He starts to take photos with my classmates and when he looks up, he sees me staring at him and lifts his hand to wave. Now I'm the one who panics and starts to walk fast, away from the car.

"Danielle! Can I ask why the guy that's made our entire class go mad is waving at you?"

"He wasn't", I way, very unconvinced.

"Sure, he was waving at me", says Sam and even if I'm not looking at her, I can imagine her mocking face. "Who is he anyway? I couldn't even see his face".

"A football player".

"How do you know one of those?"

"I don't. He's my sister's friend who can't seem to understand boundaries".

"Men", she shrugs and I sigh.

We're halfway to the bus stop when Rúben catches up to us. Bit unfair since he's inside a car and all that.

"Danielle! Get inside the car!"

"No! Go away!"

He seems to notice Sam then and clears his throat. "Hi, I'm Rúben".

"I'm Sam".

"Nice meeting you. Can you convince your friend to get inside the car? I could give you a lift too, if you want to".

"Don't talk to me and don't talk to my friends. Why are you even here?"

"Because it's raining like the fucking world will end in a minute and you don't even have an umbrella".

"It was sunny this morning!"

"You live in Manchester", he argues, and he has a point there, hence why Sam laughs.

"Who's side are you on?"

"On the side that has reached her bus stop and will now go home. Have fun arguing and...", she starts to whisper, "maybe use that energy for something else. The sexual tension is killing me. I can't imagine how it's for you two".


Sam just waves and goes to the bus stop. Mine isn't far away...

"Get in the car, now!", says Rúben, raising his voice.

"Don't ever use that tone with me again!"

"You're completely soaked, little Danielle. You'll catch pneumonia at this point".

"Oh God...I'm from Manchester. I'm used to this".

I try to turn to the right when a bike almost runs me over. And it also drives through a puddle, which means I'm now covered in rain and mud.

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