Chapter 16

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(guys sorry if the chapter is very short but the school blocked me from making a higher quality one, so I gave you a bonus as an apology gift)

November 11, 8:00 AM Esthirant 1st Foreign Affairs Department

 The director Elt (she is a woman but in the language I use it will be a little difficult to make out sorry) had just come out of a discussion with the Mu ambassador and together with him was going towards the terrace overlooking the sea to see the Fleet of Mu arrive and thanks to the fact that the palace was right on a hill near the coast you could already see the lines of smoke on the horizon

Mu Mugei's ambassador dressed in a shirt very similar to those of the English gentlemen of the 1910s and with a top hat begin to speak,  "It seems that there are many lines of smoke probably the Fleet that arrives this year will be larger than usual ( the embassy had problems for three weeks with their only radio that could talk to the Sard base and the ambassador left before the short-range radios could contact the incoming Fleet)"

Elt turned and replied, "It's probably because of the situation in Leifor, from what I understand there were some skirmishes on the border"

 While Mugei was thinking about what was happening at home Elt had her husband bring binoculars to see the distant ships

 Having prepared the Elt binoculars, you offer Mugei the first look at the fleet, placing your eyes inside the binoculars Mugei pale

 He saw not only BBs belonging to Mu but also a line of ships whose flag he did not recognize

So Mugei took off the eyes of the binoculars and moved towards the railing to be supported by the white marble, Elt also moved to look into the binoculars given Mugei's reaction, and her reaction was very similar to that of Mugei

The two then look at each other, Elt begins to speak, "So, a fleet of Mu with BBs is coming is to be expected with the situation in Leifor,  but I would like to know what nation is that fleet that is moving with you? !"

 Mugei replied, "We had problems with the long range radio so I'm in the same situation as you, I don't know who I am."

 The Fleet is getting closer and closer to Esthirant, but it seems that the Parpaldina navy has no intention of fighting, more likely there had already been a contact and they had been authorized to enter, not that it could have been done otherwise

Everyone could now see the gigantic ships they had placed still near the port some with the known flags of Mu but others with flags unknown to the general public

 At the Third Foreign Affairs Department Director Kaios was busy in a meeting about a new country that was endangering Parpaldia's possessions outside the civilized area

 Kaios turned to one of his assistants and asked, "So can you explain to me, what country are we talking about?"

 His assistant replied, "It seems that this country is called the United States of America, its technological level is not known since our agents have not responded yet (the CIA has done a good job), but we know that the their flag consists of a blue square at the top left with stars and the rest of the flag is red and white striped"

After some discussion a person knocks on the door and when Kaios tells him to come in we see a sweaty officer who probably came running and says to Kaios, "Director you absolutely have to come and see what's at the port!"


Project 894

Modernization and expansion of the US fleet

Modernization of the Fleet

Our fleet of both light and heavy cruisers is starting to show their age so we are calling for the modernization of the ships that are still in service of the Cleveland class to the standards of the Galveston class and the Little Rock class while for the Oregon City class and Baltimore class call for modernization to the standards of the Albany class

We call for modernization to the standards of FRAM I (similar to the changes that occurred here) and II (divergence from the changes that actually occurred since in this one the anti-aircraft power is increased instead of the anti-submarine one) for all Gearing class destroyers and is subclasses in service

For the other ships that are operating in active service in the various fleets, a general modernization of the radar, anti-aircraft and anti-submarine systems will be needed to make all the ships ready for the new battlefields that they will find themselves operating, but to not block the navy's offensive and defensive strength modernizations will take place in stages

Expansion of the fleet and naval aviation

 The plan calls to build 5 new CVAN of a design class after we have learned the lessons that the new CVAN Enterprise will give us during the tests and its active service

 Meanwhile, to fill the hole in air capabilities that our Navy could suffer if we enter a major war, we are calling for the construction of 15 new CVAs of the Kitty Hawk class

 We also call for the recall into service of the old CVAs, CVLs and CVEs that are in reserve and use them as LHPs, CVHEs and CVHAs to increase the range of the amphibious forces and free up the Midways that are currently used in those roles

We call for the construction of 150 new DDs of new design which must incorporate AA missile launchers and new anti-submarine systems

 We call for the construction of 10 new Permit class SSNs along with the 14 already under construction and for the construction of 12 class SSBNs yet to be chosen

 We call for the recall of all ships in reserve to increase the naval control area that they will have to use until new ships are ready

 We call for the construction of new support ships to help the old support ships will be few in numbers compared to the new navy

 We call for the purchase of new models of aircraft and helicopters on board to replace the old aircraft in use and to equip the new ships that will be built

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