Chapter 15

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Maihark, September 31, 1958 Headquarters of the AFRC (American forces on the Rodenius continent) 8:00 AM

MacArthur walked into the room from his office all the officers looked at him he sat down and said, "I spoke to the president, he said we need to launch Operation Gracchi as soon as we're ready."

General Clovis Ethelbert Byers took a deep breath and said, "Good, so can we discard Operation Serapio entirely?"

MacArthur replied, "Yes, you can discard it, prepare your troops for the operation, I don't think I need to tell you anything else"

The participants stood up and most headed towards their commands

Sadr Base, October 1 9:00 AM 1958 CVA-59 Forrestal Bridge

Admiral Felix Stump and Ogen Reid were sitting at a table discussing what to do

A hesitant Felix Stump begins, "what they proposed is very interesting, but I don't know if we have the authorization to do it"

Ogen Reid then with a smile replied, "Don't worry, I spoke to the Secretary of State and he gave us carte blanche and said that Nimitz supports the action"

Felix Stump then told him, "Well then I'll prepare the Fleet."

A few minutes after the discussion a radio message that the Americans are joining the fleet that is going towards Esthirant reaches Admiral Raider who then also begins to prepare his fleet

The Mu Fleet consisted of 4 BB (the base's more modern capital ships which are however obsolete by Mu navy standards, have degrees of similarity to the Iron Duke class of the Royal Navy), 3 CA, 4 CL and 30 DD

A very respectable fleet but the CV and BC were left in the base together with the B to protect it in case of war

As the two fleets sailed towards Esthirant a group of soldiers was moving

Qua-Toyne city, 10:00 AM October 1, 1958

The American troops that were surrounding the city center were mostly part of the Texan and Californian national guard, the regular army had been sent back home to catch its breath after the blitzkrieg against Louria, so to maintain a presence in the area the national guard had been sent to replace them

There was a substantial decrease in the quality of the armaments as many of them dated back to the Second World War, but the personnel who operated them were mostly veterans of the Second World War and the Korean War so the change was not felt much

An area in which however there was an improvement was the air force where there were the P-51, Corsair and the F-86L of the national guard, but there were also the new F-101 and F-104 of the airforce that had been brought from the United States to test them in war conditions

The Gracchi operation was in full swing, but what objective does this operation have, in the event of a noble revolt the American forces and the armies of Qua-Toyne and Quilia (who are much more loyal to the Americans and the people of their nations and were full of republicans who were already preparing a coup against the nobility in their turn) had to occupy the most important points of the two nations and drive out the nobility and the ruling house in the case of Quilia and declare two new republics

The CIA had found clues (they had founded the revolt so as to get rid of the nobles and create more "malleable" republics) that the nobles were preparing a revolt

The sites where the few nobles who had joined the revolt (because among 100 people you will find at least 5 idiots) were massing their forces were surrounded by units of both the army of the two nations and the American national guard

In the forest where most of the nobles' forces of about 20,000 men were hiding, they were being surrounded by the 147th Infantry Regiment of the Ohio National Guard and the 1st Motorized Infantry Regiment of Qua-Toyne's Army.

Soldiers from Qua-Toyne were mostly to patrol the edges of the forest, while the 147th will enter and clear the forest as they did in the caves on Iwo Jima in 1945-1946

Hand grenades and flamethrowers were ready, the M4CWS-POA-H5 Shermans had been refueled with fuel for both the engine and the built-in flamethrower

An M4A3(76) from Qua-Toyne was observing the area from a hill, the Tank Chief was outside the turret together with the driver who was observing the forest with binoculars

Tank leader asked him, "Are the Americans attacked?"

The driver replied, "Not yet, but I see they are getting ready, I also see some Shermans that look like they have the 105"

The two continued to look at the forest, when the Shermans began to launch a fiery liquid from the area where the coaxial machine gun should be

When those lines of flame hit the forest a line of fire began to eat the forest

The two who were a bit taken by the situation did not speak for a while, and when the driver from his binoculars saw some American soldiers with a strange weapon behind their back approaching that hell and they too began to throw that liquid into the forest, fueling even more that hell, the two were even more stunned

When from above they heard the roar of the national guard corsairs who launched their load of napalm in the center of the forest which exploded creating a circle of flame that approached outside the forest where its entire border was also a wall of flame

And then the screams of pain of the rebels who were in that forest began and an image that could be said to be almost Dante-like began, from the wall of flames some soldiers in the vain hope of saving themselves began to jump out of the wall after passing through it

They were like a scarecrow on fire but it wasn't just a burning object but a person, with frightening efficiency the American soldiers began to shoot them down with M1 garand fire

The experiences of these tank drivers were not rare during the Gracchi operation, when the United States made these people who had been trained in industrial warfare understand what industrial war meant amd understand how it was conducted, this was the first gaze of many who will follow to the real industrial war

The operation was a resounding success, the Americans who thought they had to fight even some parts of the people were instead welcomed twice as saviors, first against Louria and then against the nobles who were now useless and parasites in the new modern society

After this operation a new era of American dominance begins, now it is time for expansion

(sorry for the brevity of this chapter, but now I will make a chapter that I will use to give you some numbers of everything that happened and the power of the various nations that for now I think we will meet in history, as always I invite you to leave comments with ideas and other things which are always welcome here)

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