Chapter 21

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Credit: FooterHooter

(I only managed to publish the chapter today, sorry, but now I will try to be more consistent with the publications, apart from this I invite you to comment on ideas or things that you don't understand about the story)

November 13, 10:20 AM, Esthirant, City Port 

Various kinds of ships were firing salvos as part of the celebrations, Parpaldia's high officials and various foreign ambassadors were attending to see the spectacle, while the fleets were firing their salvos, the American fleet with its battleships had not even fired a single shot, Ludios who was pondering, asked Remille, "Do you know when these Americans will dignify us by shooting?"

Remille turned to him and replied, "We have to be careful with these Americans, they really seem like warmongers."

The two continued to watch the show when several sonic booms could be heard from the sky as eight F8Us streaked across the sky at Mach 1.3 followed by four A4Ds and two A3Ds.

The eight fighters carried their anti-aircraft missiles unnoticed as if it was invisible from below, while the six bombers were overloaded with bombs and was easily visible due to their obvious greenish color, this was America's way of sending their message, the same message Ogen had already sent to Remille during their brief diplomatic meeting.

Everyone's attention was piqued and turned to look at the sky. The four Iowas opened fire with their total of thirty six, 406mm guns, making the entire harbor vibrate for a moment.

Crowds of officials and civilians alike that witnessed the intimidating action, all bore varying amounts of shock filling their faces. Ogen smiled, happy to see that the show of force was indeed effective, he raised his hands to his ears, preparing to remove two plugs from his ears.

Ogen turned to look at Mugei who was sitting next to him, "I dare say the navy put on a good show, what do you think?"

Mugei, still a little dazed by the sound and the shock wave of the cannons replies, "Definitely a good show, for sure the emperor will want to see it during the ball."

November 13, 1958, 11:43 AM, Qua-Toyne Republic, AFRC Headquarters, Maihark

General Emerson L. Cummings was reading various documents about the new types of explosives that were being produced and tested, thanks to the magic gems, his secretary entered his office with additional documents and a message from general MacArthur as he continued to read the documents he had available.

The secretary placed the additional documents on the general's desk and gave general MacArthur's message while doing so, Emerson opened the paper containing the message and began to read.

After skimming over the letter, he told his secretary, "Call general Edward Williams and general Robert Burns to my office please."

November 13, 1958, 12:32 AM, B-36 over the Quilla desert

The pilot was calmly flying the plane towards the area where they were to do some tests.

The co-pilot was busy calibrating instruments in the cabin.

The radio activated, "Activate the jammer when ready."

The navigator, who was also the operator of the new device, began the process of activating the experimental device, before taking the final step and announced into the radio, "Activation in three... two... one."

The device activated at the end of the countdown, the pilots and operator felt and saw nothing on their instruments, the same could not be said on the ground, where various magical device  had been positioned, all of this being possible thanks to the work and help of various documents that the CIA had graciously "borrowed" from the the Parpaldian Empire.

The devices were placed in various circles in an area of ​​ten kilometers. 

Among these devices, some began to explode, others started to melt as if they had been placed in a foundry, the majority however experienced no apparent damage.

After a few turns, the B-36 turned off its jammer and slowly headed back towards base.

After a while, a few helicopters landed and dropped off soldier in NBC suit  who began to inspect the machines of the first circle. The same could be said with all of the circles, as soldier wander around with their many instruments inspecting the various devices right beneath the rays of the sun.

Everything here was happening within operation headquarters, much data was already being monitored live, thanks to various long-distance counters.

The major who was in command stood still looking out, waiting for the various teams sent out to record data, to return approximating the wait to be around two hours, he made himself comfortable as he started to sign off multiple documents.

November 13, 1958, 1:22 PM, AFRC Headquarters

General Emerson comfortably sat on his chair as he conversed with two other generals, Edward and Burns.

Emerson greeted the both of them as usual before going into talks, "It seems the funding for the large-scale exercises was approved, so how many men will be participating?"

Edward replied, "I say around five hundred thousand men accompanied with tanks and artillery, adding new recruits as well, which with the new expansion we've had, it seems to me that our overall quality has dropped."

Burns took a sip of his coffee, gently setting it down after he finished, "I can provide two thousand aircraft for the exercise but we will need a lot of older models like the F-86s as the more modern models are all taken."

Emerson replied, "Well, I'll have to see if I can get atomic weapons for the exercise"

Edward responded with a question, "How are the 'Davy Crockett' tests going?"

"After the discovery of the possibility of blocking magic with nuclear bombs, perhaps I could get them into production before the exercises start, so we can see their tactical value. Burns, how did the jammer tests go, smooth I presume?" Emerson answered, as he simultaneously asked.

Burns proudly stated, "The tests went very well, I received a call from the testing site before I came here, reports say the jammer works wonderfully, however, they'll still need to do some additional tests to see its maximum range."

Emerson's phone suddenly rang, he stood up and excused himself out of the room to take the call.

A few minutes had passed by, Emerson finished talking with his mysterious interlocutor, "Yes sir, I'll get ready right away."

The general then ended the call, he entered the room once again and took a seat, announcing to his hosts, "It was MacArthur, he managed to raise enough funds for an additional two hundred-thousand men, he was also able to grant authorization to use nuclear weapons."

Burns took a long pause, "That Man knows more than the Devil, who will have called to get us  more funds for the exercises."

Edward replied, "It must have been the president who wanted to send a message to the public, I heard that the Democrats are more likely to win the very next election."

"The racial situation is getting more and more tense now with the discovery of other races besides humans, racial discrimination could lead to big problems." Burns worryingly said.

Emerson turned to look at him, "Let's not think about that now, we've got a job to do."

The three announced their farewells and went off to their different offices to start preparing plans for the huge exercise that would soon come.

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