Chapter 3

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(this chapter will be rewritten, rest assured the plot will not change)

Waters adjacent to Maihark, 17 September 1957

 USS New Jersey BB-62

 Admiral Felix Stump: "How is the navy situation on the continent?"

 Admiral Georges Whelan Anderson: "I would say satisfactory the Congress is giving the money to reactivate the entire fleet of capital ships and restart construction of the CB-3 and the BBG-1 and BBG-2 projects"

 Ambassador Charles Woodruff Yost: "This is good, I spoke to a representative of the United Fruit Company and he said to notify him in case this land was fertile"

 Admiral Felix Stump: "Do they want to do like in Central America?"

 Ambassador Charles Woodruff Yost: "Probably"

 As the officers spoke a lieutenant entered the room greeting the two Admirals

 Lieutenant Earl Russell Fox: "Have I been called?"

 Admiral Felix Stump: "Yes you will be the head of the Naval Landing Party who will meet the diplomats of the principality of Qua-Toyne before our Ambassador and then will act as his escort"

 Lieutenant Earl Russell Fox: "Will there be air and naval support?"

 Admiral Felix Stump: "Yes, the CA USS Salem will support you with her guns if the situation becomes complicated, there will be 3 HUS-1 Seahorses ready to pull you out if a fight breaks out"

 Lieutenant Earl Russell Fox: "What will we get to Maihark with?"

 Admiral Felix Stump: "You will arrive on the Pima galley while the ambassador will arrive when you find if the area is safe on a HUP-3"

 Lieutenant Earl Russell Fox: "Ok then I'll join the Naval Landing Party"

 So the Lieutenant moves out the door and joins his men in the Pima galley

Galley Pima

 Lieutenant Earl Russell Fox: "Gentlemen, the mission is simple we must see if the natives are hostile if that is not the case we will be the ambassador's security"

F1c: "Will there be naval support?"

 Lieutenant Earl Russell Fox: "Yes a CA will follow us"

 PO 3rd class: "Well, the men ready, as soon as we hit the ground shall we set up a safety cordon?"

 Lieutenant Earl Russell Fox: "No, it could be interpreted as a hostile action"

 F1c: "What do we do then sir?"

 Lieutenant Earl Russell Fox: "I will talk to their Commander and if I don't get pierced by a sword it means they are not hostile, you stay inside the galley until I finish talking and if a fight starts show them what superior firepower means"

Maihark Port

 General Ine: "The galley should arrive at any moment"

 Commander Nouka was scanning the sea with binoculars when he saw a line of smoke

 Commander Nouka: "Strange why is there a line of....?"

 At that moment he saw the American cruiser and the galley that accompanied it

 Commander Nouka: "the ship is gigantic!"

 The General, seeing the reaction, asks

 General Ine: "What are you looking at?"

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