VIII. Running away or face his past ?

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In our life, we will or already have this feeling, the feeling when the person we care about the most in the world, the preson who love us ad we love them back is just by our side, this feeling give to Caitlin a reason to smile again, live again and love again. It was the morning and Caitlin awoke slowly. She turned on the right side and see a tray with some toast, orange juice, coffe and a flower with a note. She smiled because she already knew who do this. She sat on the bed and took the tray. Caitlin start eating her breakfast when she saw the note.

- Good morning, I'm sorry if i'm not here when you awoke but I had a lots of work at CCPD. But I wanted to know if you're free at 9 p.m for going to see a movie with me. I love you. Barry-

After she is eating her breakfast, she go taking a shower. Meanwhile, Barry was at his office to the CCPD. He was feeling bad because he lied a little to Caitlin. He was looking again his mother's file. Barry couldn't snap those pictures from his head. The man in the yellow suit, his mother dead on the ground, his father behind a glass on Iron Heights, all his past was so close to him now. Even he have super speed, he can't run away from that. No one believed him when he was a child about that but now, that didn't change from the past, no one would belive him, even Joe wouldn't. He takes the file on his bag and start his real work. Eddie entered the room and stops Barry in his work.

Eddie: Allen ...

Barry: Eddie ... What's wrong ?

Eddie: Well, you're are Iris's best friend and I wanted to know if, at my wedding, be my best man at my wedding ?

Barry: Of course, Eddie. I will do anything for both of you.

Eddie: Good, and when the day comes, please, don't forget.

Barry: I will.

Eddie left the lab and Barry goes back to work. Caitlin was ready to go at S.T.A.R Labs but her phone's rings. It's Iris. She asked to Caitlin to meet her a Jitters in 5 min. Caitlin gets her purse and go to Jitters. When she arrived, Iris was just in front of the door waiting her. Iris held Caitlin's arms and went to sat at a table.

Caitlin: Hey Iris, you wanted to see me ?

Iris: I wanted to ask you something.

Caitlin: Well, I'm listening.

Iris: Would you be my briesmaid at my wedding ?

Caitlin: Of course, I would be very honored.

Iris: Good and comes to see me, I want you opinion about my dress, your dress, the cake and all that stuff. Ok ?

Caitlin: Okay. When ?

Iris: Tonight ?

Caitlin: I'm sorry, Barry and I go to the cinema. What about tomorrow at 11 a.m here ? and then we will go at the wedding's shop ?

Iris: Sounds good to me ! Bye !

Iris left the bar with a big smile on her face. She's gonna be married, Caitlin already how we feel at this moment. The world around us is more calm, beautiful, nice and about ourself, it's like being at the heaven but for her, that feeling lasted a short time. Caitlin didn't wanted to think about this, she is with Barry now and very happy about that. She stood up and went to S.T.A.R Labs. When she arrived she saw Cisco working on a new gadgets. She said hi to him and start working on his computer. Then she felt a breath of fresh air behind her. She turned around and see Barry:

Caitlin: Thanks for the breakfast.

Barry: I'm sorry, i didn't eat with you. Are you mad ?

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