V. Struck by a lightning

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(Previously, the electric guy was in the laboratory trying to get his revenge. Barry lose his powers and have to be struck by a lightning again for getting his powers back.)

Caitlin: I can't lose you Barry !

Barry stares at Caitlin and see her pain in her eyes. He couldn't do that to her, leave her without telling how he feels but If he don't get his powers back, He couldn't protect her from this guy. He couldn't save his friends. If his plan don't work, Barry will maybe or never see Caitlin again. Barry cames close to her and kiss her. The first time, Caitlin looked shocked but their lisp meet again. She closes her eyes and kiss back.

Barry: I can't lose you too Caitlin but if I don't try, we all die. I can't save our lifes without my speed. I need tou to believe me. I was already struck by a lightning, I can do it again. Just trust me, I wouldn't die.

They looked at each other and Caitlin nod her head for saying yes but one tears escaped from her eye. She dries it and takes Barry's hands

Caitlin: You're not going alone in this building, I go with you !

Barry: Okay but stay behind.

They slowly opened the door and ran quickly to the training room. Barry sat on the treadmill. Caitlin turns on the machine and helped Barry ro stand up. Caitlin was near the button but she didn't press it.

Barry: Go Cait ! Now !

Caitlin closes her eyes and pressed the button. She can hear Barry screaming but she wouldn't wanted to look. She stopped the treadmill and run to Barry. Barry stood up and tries to run.

Barry: It didn't work

Caitlin: Barry, It's okay you don't needs your powers to be who you are.

Barry: I needs to protects the city, my friends and you, Cait.

Caitlin sit down next to Barry and lay her heard on his shoulder.

Caitlin: I don't need The Flash, I need you, Barry Allen, you to protect me.

Caitlin smiled at him. Barry looked at her hand realised how much he loves her. After that lovely moment, they hear Cisco calls them. They go out from the training room and join Cisco.

Cisco: Good News, The guy leave the labs 20 min ago. Where he went ?
And you guys okay ?

Barry: Bad News, My powers didn't come back and ...

Barry's phone rings. It's Joe. He answered.

Joe: Barry, a guy is destroying the Central City's power plant. I need to the CCPD right now !

Barry hangs up.

Barry: Guys, we have to go !

Cisco: Where ?

Barry: To the central city power plant. It's the last chance to get my powers back and catch him.

Caitlin: I will driving !

They finally arrived behind the building. Barry goes inside to see what's happening.

Caitlin: Do you see him ?

Barry: Yeah I think. so the plan is I catch him, he electries me and my powers back.

Cisco: Technically, yes.

Barry: Too easy

Barry run to the guy and punch him on his face. He sent a lightning from his hands and plate Barry against the wall while withering him. Suddenly, Barry escaped and appearred behind, giving him the supersonic punch. The guy fells down unconcious.

Barry: Guys, My power ! they're back !

Cisco: Men this was a answone punch maybe the best !

Barry: Yes maybe. We gonna took this guy to the pipeline.

Barry ties him and goes back to the labs with his friends. He puts the electric guy in his jail and go to the cortex. But someone was waiting him.

Joe: You lied to me ? Barry ?

Barry: Joe ? Why are you here ?

Joe: I can ask the same question Barry or the Flash ? and I was here to tell you about that guy in red suit, he came help us today but you already know that, right ? Nice suit.

Barry: Joe, I wanted to tell you but ...

Joe: You don't have anything to say me. I don't approves it but it's your life and you're an adult. But Iris doesn't have to know who you are, it's clear ?
And try to not kill yourself. Ok ?

Barry: Okay

Joe: Good, I will see you at work.

Barry: Yes, at work.

Joe leaves the laboratories.

Cisco: Wow , he wasn't supposed to take it very bad.

Barry: He was but he stay calm, it's cool.

Caitlin: One less metahuman. He was difficult to catch than the others. I think, I'm gonna go home.

Barry: Or go to the restaurant with me ? Even tou say You're tired, I will take tou with my super speed to the restaurant. You can't refused, Dr.Snow.

Caitlin: I don't need to say no, Mr. Allen. Of course, I will come with you.

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