IV. I can't live without you

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(A few weeks after Barry became The Flash)
Barry is maybe The Flash but he is also a ordinary forentic scientist. Today, he worked with the detective Joe West and Joe's partner, Eddie thawne. Joe take care of Barry when he was a kid. Barry's father went to prison for the death of Barry's mother but he is innocent and fasely accused. Barry is always looking about his mother's killer and will never give up for get his dad out of prison. Joe and Iris are a family for Barry, specially Iris, she is his best friend, like a sister and she is Joe's daughter. Barry was analysed the crime scene when his phone rings. it's Cisco.

Barry: Hey cisco, what's up ?

Cisco: It's a metahuman Barry. Apprently, that guy can absorbed the electricity from the power plant.

Barry: Okay, I will be there in a instant.

Barry hangs up his phone and try to left but Joe stopped him on his way.

Joe: Where you going like that ?

Barry: I'm sorry but I have to go to S.T.A.R Labs. They have to check my health.

Joe: Barry, almost been 1 months you came out and Now, you go to S.T.A.R Labs maybe everyday after the work. I think you don't need their help anymore.

Barry: Joe I can't, maybe I don't need to go to the laboratories but I want to.

Joe: It's Caitlin ? Right ?

Barry: What ?!?! No ... Maybe but how did you now about her ?

Joe: Iris and her was talking together at Jitters so I wanted to meet her. She is sweet and nice.

Barry: Yes she is, Can I go now ?

Joe: Yes you can.

When no one was looking, Barry vanishes and run to the laboratories as quickly as he can.

Cisco: I call you 10 min ago I tought you was more fast than that.

Barry: Sorry Joe asked me where I was going again...

Caitlin: Maybe it's time to tell him about you and The Flash ?

Barry: Or not ... He wouldn't approves I'm the Flash and tells me stopping the things I love the most in my life. Being The Flash.

Dr.Wells: Can we talk about that later this metahuman is very instable in the city.

Barry: But why he stole the power plant's energy ?

Caitlin: Well you need to sleep for recharge you body, he needs electricity.

Dr.Wells: The CCPD try to catch him but he use the electricity like a weapon and some cops have been hurt.

Cisco: Maybe a have a gadget to stop him but it's in my lab. Barry follow me I also modified your suit.

Barry follow Cisco in his gadgets lab and Cisco shows to Barry the suit. Red with a lightning on his chest. Cisco was very proud abou this creation. Suddenly, They hear a scream and Barry say at Cisco to stay here and run into the Cortex. Barry saw Caitlin on the ground.

Barry: You okay ??

Caitlin: Yeah but he took Dr.Wells !

Barry: Who ?

Caitlin: The electric Guy !

Barry: Is here ? But why Dr.Wells ?

Caitlin: doesn't matter, We have to find them now !

Barry an Caitlin run to Cisco's lab but he wasn't here.

Caitlin: Maybe he comes back to the Cortex

They turned and fell in the front of the electric guy. He look at Caitlin and try to hurt her but Barry defends her.
He projects Barry againts the wall.
The guy sent a lightning from his hand but Caitlin close the door who separates them before it's hurt Barry.
After, she run to Barry and help him to stand up.

Caitlin: Barry !! Are you okay ??

Barry: Yes but I feel weird ...

Caitlin: He hurts you with his powers

Barry: Caitlin, I was thinking if he can absorbed energy, he can stole my powers, No ?

Caitlin: I don't know you have to try.

Barry tries to run but he couldn't. Caitlin's phone rings and she answered.

Caitlin: Cisco ?

Cisco: Guys we are in the generator room with Dr.Wells.I have to stay with Dr.Wells near the generator. Hurry up Guys !!!

Caitlin: Wait ! Cisco Wait ! Barry touch the guy and he stole his powers ! What we do ?

Cisco: We will see it with Dr.Wells but i can tell yout, it's bad ! Very bad !

Caitlin hangs up and takes Barry's arm to help him. After looked everywhere, they founds the generator room.

Barry: So how I'm supposed to stop him without my speed ?

Dr.Wells: We have to reactive tour powers for get them back

Caitlin: If I understand, You're suggest struck Barry by a lightning again

Dr.Wells and Cisco: Well, Yeah.

Barry: But how ?

Cisco: With your training carpet ! It maybe could the shock.

Barry: Okay, We have to ...

Caitlin: No !!!

Caitlin looked at Barry with his sad eyes and some tears flowed from them. She goes sit down on a chair and Barry goes after her.

Barry: Hey ! What's going on !? What's wrong ?!

Caitlin: If you don't survive ! If you die !

Barry: I wouldn't die Cait ! And if I don't try, we all die !

Caitlin: But I can't lose a other person in this buildind, I can't lose you Barry !

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