VI. Time for me to move on

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If we are all different, love strikes us by the same way. It's like being on a rollercoaster of sensations and feels. Sometimes, love make us sad, sometimes the happiest person on the world. Even the person we love it's the Central City hero. Caitlin already knows all the risk about be Barry's girlfriend but she didn't care. For the first time after Ronnie's death, love was smiling at her again she feels free,happy and in love. Barry feels the same way about Caitlin, now, he knows who he really loves. Maybe it's time for him to start a relationship without any secrets, without hiding something from the others. Iris doesn't know he is the Flash, Eddie either. Barry is always hiding secrets from them. With Caitlin, it's different, he can be who he want, Barry Allen or the Flash, she will always be there for him. Cailtin and Barry go to change their clothes before the dinner. Cailtin was the first ready. She was wearing a blue dress and a black coat and a necklace with a snowflake on it. The door rings, she opened and see Barry in a black suit ans a blue tie likes Caitlin's dress.

Caitlin: Wow ! nice suit Mr.Allen.

Barry: Thanks, You're beautiful too.

Caitlin: Thank you, so where we going ?

Barry: Well, someone invits me at a dinner but didn't want go to alone.

Caitlin: I know him ?

Barry: Yes

Caitlin: Eddie ?

Barry: No

Caitlin: Ray Palmer ?

Barry: No

Caitlin: Joe ?

Barry: No either

Caitlin: So who is he ?

Barry: You will see Cait. But I wanted to know if you love Italian ?

Caitlin: Yes of course.

Barry: Good

Barry takes Caitlin and start running through the city. Her arms was around Barry like she was giving him a hug. When barry stops running, Caitlin opens her eyes and see Oliver and Felicity looking at them, Oliver in a black suit and Felicity in a red dress. Barry laying Caitlin.

Caitlin: Hey guys ! Why you didn't tell me you was in Central City ?

Felicity: Well, Apparently, some people we have to find is in Central City and we are waiting that people left ther lair to catch them. we try to get good time before go back to work.

Caitlin: Next time, don't forgot and call me, I need a another woman in S.T.A.R Labs.

Felicity: I will, so we are all a little hungry ? Let's go ?!

Oliver *whispering to Felicity*: He is with Caitlin, I thought they was just friends.

Felicity: Me too but admit it, they are perfect for eachother. No ?

Oliver: You're right.

Barry and Caitlin were behind, following Felicity and Oliver at the table, holdings hands.The destiny is meddling when Barry saw Iris and Eddie a another table.

Barry: Cait, If someone you know 1 year ago propose you, what would you say ?

Caitlin: I don't know, if i'm really in love, yes. Why ?

Barry: And if this person have a dangerous job ?

Caitlin: You know, I don't think Felicity and Oliver will get married tonight...

Barry: Cait, i'm not talking about them, I'm talking about this.

Barry shows to Caitlin Iris and Eddie holdings hands on the table and drink a bottle of champagne.

Caitlin: Oh ..., You know if you have feelings for her, I will understand and ...

Barry: What are you talking about ?!?! I don't like her, I like you and nothing would separated us, Okay ? I'm just nervous because I was supposed to talking to Joe about them. Two days ago, Eddie shows me the ring for Iris.

Caitlin: Wait ! What !!

Barry and Caitlin sit down quickly at table with Felicity and Oliver and Caitlin looked at Barry shocked.

Caitlin: Are you serious ?!?! That's great !!!

Barry: Yes I am but I was supposed to talk to Joe about that because when Eddie ask his blessing, he said No.

Felicity interupts Barry and Caitlin:

Felicity: Okay guys, calm down. You have all time to think about this later. Now can we take good time ?

Barry and Caitlin nodded. For the dinner, Caitlin took Barry's hand and he smiled at her. After the dinner, Barry and Caitlin left the restaurant and stop just after the door. Barry was sad and Caitlin know it. She smiled at Barry:

Caitlin: hey ... If Joe knows what is the better for his daugther, he would let her said yes but I know an other things is bothering you, what's going on ?

Barry: When she gonna be married, she would never have time to see me.

Caitlin: Oh Barry ... She is your best friend, she will never left you behind.

Caitlin lays her head on Barry's shoulder. They started walking to caitlin's appartement. Barry didn't want to run, he wanted taking time, thinking about him, about the Flash, Iris and Eddie. Even all those event happend in the same time, Barry knows one person gonna be by his side for a long while. This person is all for him, his partner, his friend, hi confident and his soulmate. The best thing was she was next to him,beautiful, walking next to him, holding hands, laying her head on him. They made a detour to the bridge where we can see the all city. Barry and Caitlin stop, looking at the landscape, then looking at each other.

Caitlin: You okay ?

Barry: Yes, I think it's time for me to move on

Caitlin: Find someone new to be crazy about

Barry: Well, I already find someone new to be crazy about

Caitlin: Good, me too.

They come closer to each other and kiss. Barry's arms around her waist and Caitlin's arms around his neck. They pull away without letting go and smiled together. Their mouths were so close they kissed a second time. Caitlin was so happy and smiled in the kiss. They pull away.

Barry: I love you Caitlin.

Caitlin: I love you too Barry.

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