I. Live like a metahuman

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-The city of central city was calm tonight. The CCPD wasn't busy, thanks to the all new superbero, The Flash. After the particules accelerator blew up 9 months ago, some persons have strange capacity, more like super powers. The night when this hapenned, an ordinary forentic scientist was struck by a lightning. Barry Allen passed 9 months in the coma. He almost died 3 times, not because his heart has too slow but he was too fast for the heart machine. When he awoke, he wasn't at the hospital at all but at S.T.A.R Labs.
The building supposed to be empty but there is 2 persons around Barry. The one of them was a women with the more pretty face Barry haven't see in this life, after Iris. The second was a guy with a tablet in his hand checking Barry's heartbeat. Suddenly, Barry felt the lightning traveling his body again.

Cisco : Ow! Ow! calm down dude, you're at S.T.A.R Labs, you was struck by a lightning 9 months ago but you're okay, you're not dead.

Caitlin : Not yet
Barry looked at her shocked

Cisco : She's kidding men,don't worry

Two seconds later, Caitlin and Cisco start debate about Barry but he wasn't listening. All he wanted is go back to his home and forget all of that. Barry tried to exit the labs but Caitlin stopped him on his way.

Caitlin : Before you leave us, someone wants to talk to you, Mr. Allen.

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