Chapter 14 - Save Face

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Musical Suggestion: Beautiful Mistakes by Maroon 5 feat. Megan Thee Stallion

Rocci had gotten me just right and I was back in the game. I was walking taller, straighter and my head was more focused. Corporate loved the work we did on the commercial, so much that they wanted to extend it. Corporate decided to advertise them in separate commercials and use the paired commercial periodically when we wanted to alert the consumer that they technically belong together.

Regis Marketing hoped people would eventually buy both. Therefore we had another session with Park Chin-Hwa. I wasn't present this time as I wanted Mindi to have the opportunity to handle things as I wouldn't always be available and I needed her to be confident enough to to make a split decision. And I was avoiding Mr. Park Chin-Hwa. It was something about him that made me uncomfortable - not in a bad way, it's just that I feel as though we connect when we see each other.

I don't know how to explain it, I wish I could. Mindi was more than happy to meet up with Park Chin-Hwa as she was head over heels in love with him. She would come back flushed and floating on air.

"Ms. Branson, oh my goodness," she said as she came into my office and collapsed in my chair.

"Wassup Mindi," I said, smiling and shaking my head. I knew she was infatuated with him, but she really needs to keep it together. He will make her lose track and focus.

"Park Chin-Hwa is so cute," she squealed. I giggled and started deleting some emails.

"Yes, I know. You say that each time you come back from meeting with him,"

"Aahh, I don't know how someone like him doesn't already have someone special,"

"Well you never know, he has a very busy schedule. Everyone wants a piece of him, he may not have the time to devote to someone," I responded.

"You're right, but he does date, right?"

"I'm sure he dates a lot," I said, rolling my eyes. "Watch out for him. Stay focused. Don't let him distract you."

"I know, but have you ever," she asked and then hesitated.

"Have I ever what?"

"Have you ever been attracted to some of the people you have to work with sometimes?"

"Of course," I said smiling about hooking up with Park Chin-Hwa. "But you have to stay in control and focus. You can't let it go to your head."

"Yeah, but it's so hard when they are so cute,"

"They will always be cute, that's the problem. And they tell you what you want to hear,"

"Yeah, well have you ever," she hesitated again. I could tell it was an uncomfortable question to ask but she wanted to know. "Crossed the line?"

I hesitated, but I wanted to be honest with her, "Yes, I have. And it wasn't easy either."

"What happened?"

"I had a relationship with a client,"

"Oh my," she said, covering her mouth. "What happened?"

"We broke up." And I was devastated. But I didn't have the heart to tell her that part. "So be careful, because sometimes it doesn't end well." I said.

Her phone rang and she screamed.

"It's Mr. Park calling me!" her eyes bulged big as she looked at the phone.

"Well breathe, then answer. Be calm, you got this." I said. She shook her head in agreement and answered the phone as she walked out my office.

I hoped she could handle it.

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