Chapter 1 - They Call Me Noona

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Musical Suggestion: Madamoiselle by Qveen Herby

They call me Noona. They are those who I sleep with occasionally, even though our relationship is not that of a brother and sister bond. It's only because I'm older. I have casual encounters with fuckboys because I can't be bothered with emotions. I've done that shit before in the past and it left me heartbroken. Therefore, I choose not to be involved or attached. I only need sex occasionally and I am completely satisfied with what I get. I need to stay focused.

My name is Abigail Marie Branson, or Abby for short. I am a 37 yr old marketing professional who has spent my last few years getting established in the marketing world as the best there is in the business. I've been sought after and headhunted from various companies only to be offered a sweet position with Regis Marketing. They basically allowed me to take control when it comes to my craft. I know how to seal the deal with brands and companies across the country and now we are one of the most prestigious marketing firms nationwide.

I don't have a significant other and I don't want one. I'm good at being alone. I can concentrate and focus without distractions. I believe I wouldn't be where I am if I had allowed myself to be emotionally involved with someone. I enjoy my career and I don't think being in a relationship will allow me to be as creative as I have been. I don't have to explain my actions to anyone as I make my own plans and I do what I want when I want.

I recently landed the biggest opportunity of a lifetime as I was chosen to establish an office in Seoul, South Korea as Regis Marketing wants to tap into the Asian markets.

So here I am, sitting my black ass in a huge fucking office with no one to boss around. I've been here for about a month or so and I've been trying to get my footing, as it has been a while since I've been here.

I remember visiting Seoul when I was around 15 yrs old as I was a member of a music group that traveled with a church group. I remember visiting a camp and we put on a classical & jazz recital. It was a nice experience to have as a young child. My mom was a single mother who wanted me to have more than what she had growing up. Therefore she made sure she signed me up for everything possible in our little town just outside Chicago. She wanted me to get away and live a life better than what we were living. She didn't want me to struggle so I understood why she did what she did as her intentions were good.

My father was non-existent, so I didn't have a 'daddy figure' for me to look up to. I never knew my mother's parents, therefore I had no grandparents for me to spend summers with. It was just my mom and I. She put all of her dreams and goals and aspirations into me which made me want to make her proud. One thing she taught me without her knowing, was a view about relationships. My mother never had a guy friend visit our house and if she did, I never saw him.

She never talked about the relationship between her and my father. She basically informed me that guys were stupid and that we could use what we have to control them. She was talking about using the Pussy for control. She had done it for years and I didn't know until I got old enough to realize we were living a really good life for her to be a single mother. We lived in the suburbs of Chicago in a nice house and I attended a multiracial school in the area. I just never realized how in the hell she paid for it all, until I got old enough to understand.

Now, I'm living my life full swing ahead as I try to build an entire staff here in the neighborhood of Gangnam-gu in Seoul. As I look around the office, I calculate that I need to hire at least 5 people, starting with an assistant. The office furniture is due to arrive this afternoon which gives me time to visit my favorite coffee spot and see my favorite person, Cho Ji-Won. I met him shortly after I moved here and I got caught in a rainstorm. I ran into his coffee shop dripping wet. He took pity on me and helped a Sista out with a few dry towels for my hair. He spoke English really well which helped with our communication. He had spent time in the U.S. during his younger years so he was well advanced in English. I enjoyed visiting him as he was a sweet person and he was a cutie pie.

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