Chapter 6 - Mr. Anderson

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Musical Suggestion: Lights On by H.E.R.

As much as I would love to end my night with Park Chin-Hwa, it just wasn't meant to be.

He was the new up and coming celeb, therefore everyone wanted a piece of him. People would linger near the area, others would interrupt our conversation for a picture, which I didn't want him to deny as these were his fans. He was too 'wanted' and too busy.

After about a few drinks, my Noona phone rang and I rushed to grab it. It read: Mr. Anderson.

I smiled as I knew exactly who it was. It was Brian Anderson. He was a 27 yr old, American living in Seoul working for a game developer. I met him one day at the coffee shop ironically.

We had a great conversation with the understanding that we were looking for the same thing - sex with no strings attached. I call him Mr. Anderson because he reminds me of 'Neo' from the Matrix movies. Every time I see his name, I recall how Agent Smith would call Neo - Mr. Anderson.

I was ready to get some dick because Park Chin-Hwa was on the list but he was just way too busy for me. I appreciate that he came all the way to find me, but it just wasn't happening with everybody around.

"Hey you!" I screamed over the loud music. I left the VIP area and walked to the hallway near the restrooms to decrease some of the noise.

"I see you are already out. Where are you?"

"I'm at Club 353. What about you?"

"I'm at home stroking my dick and wishing you were riding it," he said boldly. That made me smile. Perfect timing Mr. Anderson.

"I'm on my way."

I quickly found Paris, who was still at the DJ booth and let her know I was leaving. She told me to text her when I got home. Unfortunately, I was not going straight home.

No sooner than I arrived at the entrance to Mr. Anderson's building, my phone rang again. I thought he was calling because he was impatient but it was not him, it read: 'Lee Young Joon (이영준)'. I stopped in my tracks. He was calling again?


"Annyeong. Are you busy?"

"Yes." I said as I pushed the elevator call button.

"Oh," he said quietly. "Can I see you tonight?"

"Uh, I don't know, it's already late. Are you okay?" I was curious because he didn't sound himself.

"Uh, yeah. I'm good. How about tomorrow?"

"Let me call you when I'm done, okay?" I figured he needed to talk, which is something I don't normally do but it sounded as if he really needed someone.

"Okay. It doesn't matter the time, just call."

"Okay." I disconnected and stepped on the elevator.

Mr. Anderson looked adorable as ever when he opened the door. He stood about 185 cm with sandy brown hair and blue-green eyes. He looked as if he could be Charlie Puth's twin brother. He gave me a hug upon seeing me.


"Hello Mr. Anderson." I said, walking into his embrace. He held me tight and smelled good as fuck.

"I've missed you."

They all seem to say the same thing when I leave them for a while - they miss me. That's because I put that good shit on them and they get hypnotized. They don't know how to act and they don't accept me walking away with no strings attached. Maybe Paris is right, someone may be getting attached. But who really?

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