Chapter 7 - The Girlfriend In Me - Part 1

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Musical Suggestion: Fool For You by Snoh Aalegra

After dealing with Mr. Anderson, I was good for the night. He always treated me right. It was a nice way to end the evening. I hope Paris made it home, which I'm sure she did as she was hanging tight with the DJ and she's a big girl, she can handle herself.

I decided I would call Lee Young Joon (이영준), later in the day. I was sure he was asleep as the sun was rising, turning the sky gold in color. I wanted to get to my apartment and close my blinds to catch a nap before I tackled the day.

I closed my eyes in the back of the taxi as the driver zoomed through the streets. Before I knew it, we had pulled in front of my building.

I managed to get myself up the stairs and to my bed faster than I thought. I closed the blinds just as the sun started to peer over the horizon. I stripped my clothes off, grabbed my pajama shirt, bonnet and sleep mask and knocked out as my bed welcomed me willingly.

It was about 3:45 pm by the time I rose to face what was left of the day. I heated up leftovers and cleaned up my apartment. It didn't dawn on me to call Lee Young Joon until my Noona phone rang.

"Shit! I forgot, " I said racing to the phone. I looked and it was Young Joon calling. "Annyeong, I'm sorry I didn't call you. I just woke up."

"Annyeong, Noona. It's okay. How are you?"

"I'm good and rested. How are you?"

"Well, I'm good. However, I have a favor to ask," he said shyly. It made me curious as we usually don't talk much, sex is usually the only thing we talk about.

"Wassup?" I said sitting down on my couch.

"Ah, well, I have this work event and I would like to invite you to join me as my date."

I was quiet as I didn't know how to respond. This was already getting to be a lot. I didn't expect this therefore I had no rule against it. Did he think I was to be compensated like 'Pretty Woman'?

"Wait, what?"

"I have to go to this event for my employer and I am, well..a bit of a loner. It is best that I bring someone with me which allows me to be seen as an approachable individual," he said. I was shocked but I understood what he meant.

I, unfortunately, have been faced with the same expectations back home. I'm young, but older and people are trying to figure out why I am not in a relationship with someone or why I haven't gotten married. He needed someone to show him off so his employer would see him just as a serious individual who gets the job done and not an introvert who is unapproachable and closed off.

"Oh, okay, cool. When do you need me?" I said as I started gathering dishes from around the apartment.


I stopped in my tracks. Talk about timing.

"Tonight? What do you mean, tonight?" I said looking at the time and it was reading 4:30 pm.

"7:00 pm tonight. I know this is last minute, but I expected you to call me back from yesterday, so I could ask."

"I know. Shit. Okay. How do I need to dress? I didn't do my hair and..."

"Noona," he interrupted. "I have taken care of everything, all you have to say is yes," he said calmly, not missing a beat.

"Yes." I answered.

"I will text you a number. Call the number and the driver will pick you up. This way your address will remain a secret. The driver will take you to a hair salon in Itaewon. You will also have your dress waiting there and a makeup artist."

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