Chapter 2 - Tit for Tat

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Musical Suggestion: Complicated by Jimmy Brown

I caught a cab over to the office to save some time because I wanted to be ready for the delivery. As the cab pulled up, I noticed I was a bit late to arrive. The furniture truck had arrived early so they were waiting on me! I rushed to apologize and opened the office so they could place the furniture inside. I appreciated that they brought the items upstairs; however they only dropped the items off and I had to unpack everything from the shrink wrap and boxes.

I pulled my hair up into a bun atop my head, removed my hoodie and went to work. I had totally forgotten about the bag of food Ji-Won sent with me. My body was filled with adrenaline as I was determined to get that office in shape in order for me to have interviews tomorrow. The items weren't that big. The desks and cubicles were already installed, it's just everything else was delivered all at once and there were still more items coming.

I had completed about half of what needed to be completed before I realized it was 7 pm and I hadn't eaten anything. My energy was running out. I was empty. I finally remembered my breakfast but it had been out all day and I didn't want to do that to my stomach so I threw it out. Just as the bag hit the bottom of the new garbage pail, my phone rang. With stomach growling, I reached for my phone to see who's calling - It read 'Cho Ji-Won( 조지원)' . I smiled at his timing.

I feel I need to be careful around him because he has a way of bringing something out of me. I feel I can be totally honest around him and he wouldn't love me any less. I feel that he would love me through my faults and all. But I have so many issues I don't want to drag him into what other people have left behind. He's too good of a person like that. I didn't know guys like him existed because I ran into almost every fucked up asshole there is on the fucking planet.

"Annyeong Ji-Won," I answered the phone, looking around the office full of chaos.

"Annyeong. Where are you?" Ji-Won asked.

It shocked me because he doesn't normally ask so abruptly. I stopped looking around, stood straight up, listening intensely.

"I'm at the office. Is everything okay?"

"I figured. Everything is okay. Have you eaten?" he asked. He's so considerate.

"Unfortunately, I haven't. I've been trying to get this office in shape before tomorrow. But it's taking longer than expected. I have to put the chairs together and a few other things as well," I said looking around the office again wondering if I would be able to do it by tomorrow.

"Do you need some help?" he asked and my ears rang.

"Yes, but don't you have plans?" I said hoping he didn't.

"No, not tonight. I'm on my way. Send me the address," he said and disconnected. I immediately sent him the address and took a seat.

Why do I put myself through this torture with Ji-Won?, I thought.

I'm gonna need to get set up with a hook-up after this. I walked over to my messenger bag and pulled out my other phone. The Noona phone. This is the only phone I use for contacting my hookups. They know when this number pops up, it is a sure thing. I've even seen someone cancel their plans just to be with me. It's just sex to me, a way to get my nut off so I can process life.

Since I've been here, I've hit and quit it with a few guys that I met from clubbing. My friend, Paris Jacobs, and I usually hit the clubs on the weekends and I hook up with whomever catches my eye. Paris says I'm going to get caught up because one of these young guys is going to get me hooked. I tell her that she's wrong but she says I'm delusional.

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