37. Seeking for guidance.

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Safiyya buried her face in her palms with her thoughts running like mad. Jessy's speech just added to her troubles. The only way out was indeed a marriage but why would she agree to that? That is if he even proposes it.

"Listen bestie," Jessy calmed down and sat beside her friend on the couch. She held her shoulder and said in a low voice, "I have seen the love between you and Yousef and it melted my heart. I can't bear the thought of you two separate. Remember when I mentioned what your future spouse would think of you having a child with you and his father close? Being married to Yousef's father is the best solution here. No matter what, now or in years to come, Yousef will always be your son,"

"Is that not just a selfish reason?" Safiyya raised her head and lamented. "I want to keep Yousef, so I marry his father. I understand that this is the best way out but sir Alfred can also agree to let Yousef stay with me here,"

"Sofiyya, you are confused now," Jessy pointed out and Safiyya leaned into the chair. "It is impossible to let Yousef stay here with us when he is used to his house all these while and that will be taking him away from his father. It is going to be a selfish move from your side. I don't want to say much now, lest I confuse you even more but this is my advice. If you are sure that Mr. Hill has no bad character and then he proposes a marriage, please say yes. I can feel that your happiness lies there,"

Safiyya looked at her friend and smiled wryly. "It sounds impossible, Jessy," In The circumstances she is in, she is not sure if she is ready for marriage, and from his side, she would rather believe that he shit down Hill Corp that propose that.

Jessy simply smiled at that. "Nothing is impossible when you ask God right?"

Safiyya nodded meekly and started crying. Jessy quickly hugged her warmly patting her head. On one hand, she didn't want to jump into the pit and on the other, she didn't want to lose her son.

The next day, Safiyya dressed up and left the house for the masjid as she planned to spend the day there to clear her mind. When she arrived inside, no one was in so she sat down and felt relieved when the Quran was recited through the speaker. She closed her eyes and followed ayahs with a peaceful smile on her face.

Time passed in solutide and when it was time for Dhur, someone walked in. Safiyya was happy to meet Miss Nuwaira. They met at the Jummah prayer and she was glad to meet her again. They prayed and sat together until after asr.

They came out together and gisted for a while until they came before the site she sat before and to her surprise, she saw Jaleel there.

He raised his head from the small book he was reading after hearing the approaching footsteps and his facials showed his surprise.
"Assalamu alaikum sister. We meet again," he smiled and stood up.

"Wa alaikumussalam," Safiyya returned and he surprised her by taking Nuwaira's hand. "Salam sister," he said, and from endearment, she realized that there were siblings.

"Wa alaikumussalam Jaleel," Nuwaira smiled back and glanced at both of them. "I didn't know that you know each other,"

"I met Safiyya here some days ago," Jaleel told her.

"Oh, that's nice." Nuwaira smiled and asked him, "Are you waiting for someone?"

He shook his head and said, "No one for now. I was thinking of going back home early today,"

Safiyya listened to their conversation and uttered, "You are leaving together then. I'll take your leave,"

"Take care Safiyya," Jaleel smiled down at her and she nodded. Nuwaira gave her a brief hug before she walked away from them.

Nuwaira smiled mischievously at her brother who had a lost look and waved her hand before his eyes.
"May Allah guide you akhi," she laughed as he rubbed his nose. "I told you about Safiyya but you never showed a hint that you knew her,"

"So that you will get another chance to tease me? Not a chance uktiy," he sighed and pocketed his book. "Let's go pick the kids from the madrasa?"

"Avoiding the topic huh?" Nuwaira scoffed but still walked to the madrasa with him.

Meanwhile, Safiyya was driving home as she sat lost in her thoughts in the back seat. She was surprised to meet Jaleel today even though she looked forward to it and that young man made her feel a sense of attachment but she had no idea why. She remembered what Jessy asked her that day and his figure blurred her vision.

"Let's say I was married to brother Jaleel and he finds out that have Yousef, will he let me stay with the kid and how will he deal with sir Alfred? This is so confusing. Ya Allah, show me a sign," she muttered to herself when her phone rang.

She frowned at the unknown number and picked up the call. "Hello?"

"Mummy!" there came his voice and her mood was lifted. "Yousef. Aww, I miss you, baby,"

"I miss you too mummy," he giggled. "But we will meet very very soon,"

"I see. How are you?" she asked fondly.

"I feel great. Dad wants to speak with you," he said and she nodded. Alfred's voice came from the other side. "Get ready tomorrow before going to work, Old Xav will come to pick you up."

"Alright?" she was skeptical.

"We are going to Joseph's school," he clarifies.

"Okay," she nodded and he added, "I hope you have considered my request. You have a very short time to think because someone here is very restless,"

Safiyya pursed her lips and said, "I'm still thinking about, Sir Alfred."

"You do that. Joseph wants to chat," he said and handed the phone back to Joseph. They kept chatting until she reached home and she couldn't help but fantasize about the time they would spend together. But she still didn't know what decision to take and can only pray to Allah for guidance. She called Gab and told him that she would be late for work today and he casually dismissed it.

The next day, Safiyya got prepared, and old Xav came to pick her up. They exchanged pleasantries before she got into the car. 
"You are blooming with a smile miss. It seems that things are improving since Alfred asked me to bring you over to his house,"

Safiyya smiled and bit her inner cheeks.
"Sir Alfred agreed that I take care of Yousef from now on,"

"Well that's great," the old man laughed but noticed the slight frown on her face. "What's wrong miss?"

"The thing is that, sir Alfred wants me to stay in his house to watch over Yousef but my religion doesn't allow that. So I do know who does respond to this," she told him sadly.

Old Xav was quiet before asking," What can make you stay there then?"

"That is only if I am married to Sir Alfred but that is impossible. I am not interested and I doubt if he does," she pouted.

"Can you make a sacrifice for a child?" Old Xav inquired and she blinked. "If you have a bad impression of Alfred, I hope that you have realized that he is not a bad person. Any of his actions shown now is as a result of his past. He never intended to be like that and what I fear is for his son to end up worse than that because of his condition. If you asked me, not only Joseph needs help but Alfred too."

"Help?" Safiyya asked quizzically.

Old Xav sighed and replied, "What I tell you now might make you change your mind but remember, I am not telling you this to take pity on Alfred but to increase your resolve in helping Joseph. To make his childhood memorable, his father had to be involved,"

The next chapter will be a dive into flashbacks. If you have been having negative thoughts on our male lead, we will get to know why he is the way he is.

🥺Team Jaleel. Hmm

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