Chapter Fifteen

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"Please, Dad, don't do your usual and Mum, don't ask personal questions" Evelyn had made sure they wouldn't humilate her infront of Alessia. "Look, she's over there. Less, Less!" She shouted attempting to get the girls attention.
She smiled as she spotted the girl, walking over to her "Hey" Greeting the girl with a quick kiss on the cheek "You must be Evelyn's parents" Holding her hand out for them to shake "I'm Alessia"
Her dad shook it thoroughly, sizing up the girl "Well, she's a fine specimen that's for sure"
"Dad!" Evelyn cried, hiding her face in her palms.
"Martin! I'm sorry about my husband, he thinks he's funny. I'm Evelyn's mother, Elizabeth, but everyone calls me Liza" Her mother smiled at Alessia warmly.
"Nice to meet you both" She stands on the opposite side of the barrier, swaying awkwardly "So Eva mentioned something about going to a pub after?"
"Yes, yes lets go" Evelyn shot her an apologetic look, rushing her parents towards her car. She motioned at Alessia to meet in the car.

"Right, Dad, when we get to the pub don't say 'specimen' or any other stupid thing" Evelyn turned in her seat, looking back at the pair.
"Evelyn, darling calm down. We're not going to do anything stupid" Her Mum placed her hand on her shoulder before commenting "She's very pretty"
Nodding at her parents in the mirror, she unlocked the door for Alessia. "You played well today" Quickly pressing a kiss to her lips "And it was nice to see Beth again"
"Yeah, I think the reason I played so well was knowing my name was on your back" Winking at Evelyn "Do you like football?" She turned to face Evelyn's parents.
"Well, we have another daughter, Helena, who is the polar opposite of Evelyn here. She absolutely adores the football, made us watch every single match that was on tv when they were younger" Her mum starts "But, she never took it up as a career. Just think, if she had you might've ended up playing together!"
"Mm well knowing Lena, they wouldn't just be playing together" Evelyn muttered
"Evelyn Jane Sayers! Do not speak about your sister like that" Her mum's eyes widened "What would she do if she was here now?"
Alessia laughed quietly at the girl being told off like she was still 5 years old.

"So, Alessia, are you English?" Leaning forward on her elbows, Evelyn's mum asked "I only ask because of your name"
"Mum!" Evelyn gasped in horror "You can't ask her that"
"It's fine, don't worry" Alessia smiled "I'm half English, half Italian"
"Italian, very exotic. Have you cooked Evelyn any Italian food? Lord knows she could do with variety" As her mum said that Evelyn sunk further down in her seat
"When she was ill I made her some tea but not really anything special" She rested her hand on Evelyn's thigh for comfort, the interrogation making her feel slightly nervous
"You were ill? Why didn't you call me?"
"I had Less, now what does everyone want to drink?" She smiles, trying to change the conversation "I'm getting a cider"
"I'll have a house white, thanks love"
"Okay, Dad?" Facing the balding man
"Mmm, that is a question" He scans the drinks menu and clicks his tongue "Hmm"
"Fucking hell, Lessi?"
"I'll come with you" She smiled at the relief on her face
"I'll have the same as you" Her dad ordered

"I'm sorry, they're a nightmare" Evelyn rests her arm on the bar "Do you want to just leave?"
"They're certainly.. different, but I love you so I'll be fine"
She sighs happily "I love hearing those words still"
"You're cute"

They all stood up from the table, their plates and glasses being collected by waiters  "Thanks" Evelyn smiled at them "Right, Mum and Dad, I'll be up in a few weeks to see you for Dad's birthday. I was wondering, if you haven't scared poor Lessi off, if I could bring her"
"I'll give you a minute" Alessia excused herself and went to wait outside
"Oh darling" Her mother grabbed Evelyn's hand "She is wonderful, you two make a beautiful couple and we would be delighted to have her"
"Thanks Mum" They walked out to where Alessia was waiting. Her mum quickly pulled her in for a hug, startling her slightly
"It was lovely to meet you Alessia, we're looking forward to seeing you again"
She pulls back and coughs awkwardly, trying to get the overwhelming smell of hairspray out of her mouth "Yeah, you too Elizabeth"
She gives her dad a wave as they walk off.

"International break soon" Alessia got out of the car "Our match is at Wembely, you'll be there right?"
"Always" Evelyn locked the car "I love watching you play, I mean, I still hate football but you make it quite enjoyable"
"I think you just enjoy watching me"
"Maybe" Her phone started ringing. Toby. "I'll be two minutes, take the keys and go inside"
She gained a confused look but no questions.
"Evelyn, you still haven't looked through that article, I need it done in the next hour please"
"No. Either I quit and you lose a good writer and have no article or you publish it, I quit and you get sued for defamation. Neither ways seem ideal"
"Evelyn, think rationally, how long are you and her truly going to stay together, I mean, you don't seem happy. Well, you weren't when you wrote this"
"Yeah well my relationship is none of your business, and to be honest I'm sick of you and the company" She let go of all the anger that she'd been holding against him after the unemployments "Fire me for all I care, just don't publish the article"
"I am still your boss, watch your tone with me. Now, I already promised a big article, so tell me Evelyn, what am I meant to do?" His tone is spiteful "Hm? I need a big article by tomorrow."
"Yeah well, it's not my problem"
"Give me a solution and you can quit with the article, don't give me a solution and guess what happens?"
"Then change the name, change the title, just don't let there be any trace of Alessia in there" She rests against the wall "Change it to my name or something but please Toby, she is my world. Get her name out of it"  
"The concern is almost touching. Let me think this over"

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