Chapter Ten

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Evelyn awoke to a crashing noise. She had forgotten all of last night, well she was very hungover so she knew they drank but aside from that the only thing she remembered was talking about love.
She crept round the corner, praying it wasn't a burgular. She heard swearing in a feminine voice, so she made the assumption it was Alessia. She must've stayed over last night.
"Ah, so this is the clumsy Less I've heard about" Laughing at the girl who was crouched down trying to pick up the saucepans she dropped. "Do you want a hand?"
"I'm sorry for waking you up" She slid onto the floor, her head in her hands. "I was trying to make breakfast but then well" She motioned to the pans "Anyway, I've got a match tomorrow, I'd love it if you could come"
"Yeah that's fine" Smiling at her "We still haven't had a proper date"
"Yeah but we hung out without having sex so that is a step in the right direction"
"I suppose, although I do enjoy the sex" She puts her arm around the girl "Yesterday was fun, or I think it was. What I remember anyway"
"You were so drunk last night, I half expected you to throw up in the backseat of our taxi." She laughs "You were talking absolute nonsense"
"What did I say?"
"You asked me if I loved you for one and you also constantly asked people if they had a lighter, even after you just put a cigarette out" The nervous laughter came back.
"Well what is so absurd about that?"
"Chain-smoking until you had a coughing fit? There's a lot wrong with it"
"That's not what I was talking about"
The silence was deafening.
"I'm going to go but I'll get you good tickets for tomorrow"

The door slammed and Evelyn sighed. Maybe she was wrong, Alessia might not have feelings for her.
Her day was a blur, it was mainly trying to do housework and then feeling like she was about to be sick. Therefore, not much got done. She only really got a chance to sit down in the evening. Infront of the TV, with a takeaway and a bottle of wine. Ideal night in Evelyn's opinion.

The morning came after a restless night. She knew she had to leave quite early to get to the match on time. Alessia had sent through the ticket the night before. The stadium wasn't far away, but match day always caused heavy traffic and she wanted to get to her seat before the crowds started coming in. Checking her seats on the map, she saw that she was front row. 'Well that's just fucking great' She muttered to herself, thinking about the crowds. Don't know how she scored the front row tickets the night before. Maybe they get given a ticket for friends and family.
Crawling out of her bedroom, she went to get ready. Her routine didn't take that long and soon enough she was downstairs eating her cereal.
Checking the time on her phone 9:47AM. She had about 30 minutes before she needed to leave.

The lineups for Arsenal and Manchester City were announced and the players got into position. They had a minute of silence and took the knee. Alessia looked round at where Evelyn was sat briefly and gave her an awkward smile as the whistle blew.
She wouldn't lie, Arsenal weren't on it this afternoon. City were dominating them. Well it was 1-0 but Arsenal barely got the ball. Arsenal got given a corner. They didn't score but Jess Park; a City player touched the ball with her hand. A penalty was given to Arsenal for the handball. Kim Little took the penalty and shot it right past the goalkeeper into the net and it was 1-1.
The stadium erupted into celebration (aside from the away supporters, who were groaning in anguish)
Half time and it was still 1-1. The tension was palpable as the sea of red and blue flooded back into their seats, waiting for the 2nd half to begin. Evelyn had stayed in her seat for half time, texting Marie. Who, like always, was no use.
There had been a few substitutions for City, however none for Arsenal yet. The 2nd half kicked off and immediately City had the ball. Kelly onto Fowler who took the shot and got it past Zinsberger. The Manchester fans roared in celebration. The majority of the match was repetitive. City to City to Arsenal to City. There was 9 minutes of injury time added and Arsenal needed to draw so they didn't lose their, already low, spot on the table. Mead onto McCabe who did what Katie McCabe does. Scored a banger. With a 2 minutes left, Foord passed onto Russo who took a risk and shot from afar. She got it in and immediately was surrounded by her teammates as the stadium cheered around them. As they disbanded Alessia looked over at Evelyn. They didn't have to speak a word, they could feel the tension from across the pitch.
The match ended with a 2-3 win to Arsenal. As the fans started to filter out the stadiums, the players came over to speak to the remaining fans. Alessia made a beeline towards Evelyn.
"Suprised you're still here" She climbs over to sit next to Evelyn.
"You should start wearing low buns more ofter. They look really good" Looking up at the girl "That goal was good"
"Yeah well, had to impress you"
Evelyn laughs at the girl "Yeah well, you did"
"Want to go on the pitch?"
"What?" She laughs even more "And do what?"
"I'll teach you to do an around the world" She grins, pulling her over the barricades "It'll be fun"
"What part of it will be fun and am I even allowed?" She protests
"I'm sure it'll be fine" Alessia dragged the girl over to get a ball "Okay so balance it on your foot"
"And I'm already failing"
"Just balance it, it's not that hard" She balanced the ball with ease "You just have to hold it up this is the easy bit"
"Well I clearly can't do it" Kicking the ball away and muttered "You can't understand the fact I don't like football"
"What was that"
"I said you don't understand my disinterest in football" She rested against the barricades "We're very different. You're good at football, I'm good at writing"
Alessia sighed and joined the girl "Oh come on, football is fun. Please try again" She gave Evelyn puppy dog eyes
"Why are you so hell-bent on me playing football?"
"Cause I love it and I enjoy your company" She took a sip of her water "Please"
"You enjoy my company? Really? Is that all?"
"What else do you want me to say?"
"Are you saying that aside from slightly liking me, you have no feelings about me?"
"Well, no but"
She was starting to get frustrated with the girl "Fuck's sake Alessia, just say it"
"Say what?" Evelyn couldn't tell if she actually didn't know or if she just didn't want to admit it
"I asked you on Friday about it and you said you don't but" She breathes deeply "I, fuck, I know you do because I've seen the way you look at and it's the same way I look at you"
"I don't know what you mean"
"Yes you do, Less please. How much more obvious can I make this?"
"Make what?"
"I'm in love with you!" She cried out "And I know you love me too because" She could feel her eyes start to water "Because I just know"


This chapter is a bit messy but it'll do.
2K Reads as well??? INSANE!! Thank you all so much <33

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