Chapter Three

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Evelyn gets woken up by her phone ringing. Well, not woken up, she'd already been awake a while. She'd been thinking about losing her job and how she'd be able to keep herself afloat if she lost it. She could work in the pub round the corner? She was certainly pretty enough to get good tips from leary men.
The phone kept ringing and ringing and eventually she got up to check it. It was her work phone and it was an unknown number.
"Hello?" Evelyn grumbled, checking the time on the clock. 6:45AM.
"Hi, its Alessia!" She sounded incredibly perky for so early in the morning.
"Oh!" Evelyn rubbed her face, trying to wake herself up more "Hey Alessia, what can I do for you?"
"I was wondering if we could meet up? Maybe grab a coffee or something..?" She questions "Or you could come to the stadium"
"Yeah, yeah that'd be good" Evelyn hums "I'm free tomorrow if you are? I know it's a Saturday but we could find a nice place and do an interview if that suits you?"
"Sure, what time suits you?" Alessia asks.
"I'm not a morning person, clearly unlike you" Evelyn laughs at her own joke "So maybe midday? And we could meet in Finsbury Park? It's near to the stadium if you'd rather go there"
"Okay, I'll see you there"
Evelyn ended the call after saying goodbye and went in her bathroom to get ready for work.

Her work day was much different than usual. Normally there would be a slightly jovial atmosphere however, today everyone was getting their head down and working. Everyone was probably as scared as herself.
All Evelyn spent her day doing was writing up the interviews that she did. Tony was pacing back and forth in his office. It was not a nice day, all she could do was stress about getting her articles done and preparing for tomorrow. She got home at around 7 and all she wanted to do was cry. So she did.
She cried and cried. Yeah, most of the stuff she wrote was football but she loved the company. She loved seeing Tony's happy face after he accomplished something, she loved when someone would bring in a cake or something and they'd all crowd round to get a slice.
She cried for all of her work friends and how worried they must be.
She eventually cried so much that she cried herself to sleep.

The sun on her face woke her up and she checked the time 7:55. That was an acceptable time to wake up. She crawled out of bed and took a look in the mirror at her puffy eyes and the mascara trails around them.
She wandered, very slowly, over to her bathroom.
The water soaked her skin as she shivered and waited for the water to reach a nice temperature.
When she got out of the shower she did her makeup and hair and then relaxed, waiting for midday to roll around.

"Hiya" Alessia's voice drags Evelyn out of her thought "You okay?"
"Unhappy to be outside rather than at my house, but we move" Evelyn jokes
"We can go back to your house if you'd prefer" Russo suggests
Evelyn couldn't tell if that was a genuine question or if the blonde was flirting with her. So she just laughs.
"Or we could go to mine..?" Alessia seems to be genuinely asking.
"Yeah, if you want" Evelyn agrees "I won't take up too much time, I promise" Evelyn held out her pinky finger in a promise motion and linked it with Alessia's. They make small talk as they get into Alessia's car and she drives them back to her house.

"Holy shit man" Evelyn says in awe "Your house is fucking huge"
Alessia giggles "Well, I get paid quite well. Being a footballer and all"
"You're probably quite busy so I wont take up too much time"
"Take up all the time you need" She grins.
"So you phoned me, what would you like to talk about?"
"I can't lie, I didn't want an interview, it was an excuse to see you again" Alessia confessed
Evelyn was stunned. Sure, Evelyn had picked up on a few flirty compliments and hints but she just thought that was how Alessia was.
"Sorry, thats super forward" Alessia started blushing
"No! No! It's fine." Evelyn started mumbling "Actually, I don't feel well. I'm going to head off, sorry for wasting your time" She grabbed her jacket and bag and left.

As Evelyn ate her dinner in silence, she kept thinking about what Alessia had said. It wasn't anything romantic but the way that Russo acted towards her and then what she'd said afterwards had implied that it was romantically. She had a sip of her water and continued to ponder about what to do. She had never had feelings for a girl before, and she didn't actually know if she liked Alessia in that way. She was very confused. In her previous relationships, she was absolutely certain that she liked them. And she hadn't even known Alessia, properly, a week. But Alessia was different. Her ocean blue eyes and the way that when she smiled, they would light up. Her smile was so beautiful. Fuck. Evelyn barely knew her and yet she was questioning if she had feelings for her. It was probably just a phase. It'd pass.
She went to bed but still the footballer plagued her mind. She dreamt about her and that house and about being there again. She woke up and her mind flicked straight to the blonde.
This continued for a week. The day it didn't happen was the 1st of October.
The opening day of the WSL.

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