Chapter Nine

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It was the same routine for them, fight, fuck, flirt, repeat. It wasn't exactly a heathly relationship, but it's been going on for a few months. It happened the first time, when Evelyn was ill. Then the second time after their first date. The third time was after Alessia's Manchester United match.  There was unfortunately a fourth incident, halloween, both ended up at the same party of a mutual friend. Ended up in a bedroom. This lead to today. Number five. They were arguing about going out with their mutual friend (also known as Katie McCabe) And, as always, ended up at Alessia's house.
"I think this gets better every time" Evelyn panted "You're amazing, you annoy the fuck out of me, but you're amazing"
"You're alright too" Alessia teased
"Just alright? I didn't see you complaining a minute ago" She laughed "Do you think we should try to go on another date?"
"You just asking this to get into bed with me again?"
"Yeah maybe" She smiled at the blonde girl "I do enjoy your company though"
"Oh yeah?" Alessia pressed a kiss to Evelyn's lips "Maybe we could go out tonight? I don't really have any plans"
"Mmm yeah but it's only 2, what would we do for the rest of the day?"
"I could teach you to play football" She looked so happy, Evelyn couldn't say no.
"Fine, but if I get injured I'm suing you"
Alessia rolled her eyes and threw the brunette one of her football shirts.

Evelyn stood in Alessia's back garden and shivered in the November wind "Is this going to take much longer?" She complained, already tired of the girls antics.
"Be patient, I won't be much longer" The footballer was putting up a makeshift goal. "Okay, this'll do"
"Right what do I do?"
"Just kick the ball into the goal"
She kicked the ball and it went straight past the goal, into Alessia's fence, who clapped, mocking the girl.
"Yeah well not everyone can score a backheel" Evelyn grabbed the ball and had another go. After about the 7th go, she got it in.
"Does this mean we can go in now?" She looked hopefully at the girl "Please?"
"Yeah fine, we should probably shower before dinner"

After her shower, Evelyn pulled on one of Alessia's dresses, who was taller than the journalist meaning her choices were a bit limited. She decided on a deep red dress with a pair of black heels that suprisingly fit.
She was checking herself out in the mirror and didn't notice as Alessia entered the room.
"Is that my dress?"
She jumped at the sudden noise "You scared me, idiot. And yeah it is, hope you don't mind"
The way Alessia was smiling at her was unlike anything she'd seen before. If you didn't know them, you'd have thought she was in love with her, the way that she looked at her was just so pure. "No, it's fine. More than fine really, you should keep it, it looks better on you than it ever did on me" She starts stumbling over her words "You look" She laughs nervously and looks down at her feet "You look so beautiful"
The way she complemented her made Evelyn's heart swell. "Yeah well, you don't look too bad yourself"

They got to the restaurant early enough that the crowds hadn't started piling in yet. Alessia had the sense to book a table towards the back.
"Hopefully this time we won't end up having an argument" Evelyn joked.
"Yeah well, you started it last time" She muttered "Right, drinks!"
"This place is super expensive" Looking at the drinks menu "Bloody hell, £10 for a cocktail? I could make that at my house"
"It's fine. What do you want?"
"To fucking leave. How about we buy a cheap bottle of vodka or something from a corner shop and go get pissed in a park somewhere? Like regular people" Evelyn grabbed her bag
"Yeah but I'm not a regular person" Putting her hand on the girls thigh, attempting to stop her from getting up "Let's eat here"
"No Less, let's go"
Alessia groans as Evelyn drags her out of the restaurant
"You shouldn't have done that, it's November, it's almost dark and you know, it's fucking freezing out here and we don't have coats"
"The alcohol will numb that when we get it" Grinning at the blonde girl she leads her into a shop. They browse quickly as she grabs some cranberry and lemon juice.
"Alright mate?" Addressing the cashier "Can we get these, a bottle of vodka and a packet of marlboro gold?"
"You smoke?" Alessia whispers, rubbing her hands together, trying to get warm.
"Barely, only on a night out"
"There you go darling, that'll be £32.50"

They sat down on a bench in a secluded spot, somewhere nearish to Hyde Park. They walked past it but decided to move on.
Evelyn took out the vodka and its mixers out of her bag as well as her cigerettes. "Here, do the honours" Passing the unopened bottle to Alessia.
"I can't believe this" She frowns "I barely did this as a teenager, why am I doing this now?"
"Lets use the cap as a shot glass!" Evelyn responded excitedly.
"Fuck you" Alessia pours the liquid into the cap, before squeezing the lemon juice into it and taking the shot.
Cheering her on the brunette takes the bottle from her.

They were pissed. Like, passing out level drunk.
"I think you love me" Evelyn slurred "Like love me, you keep coming back to me"
Alessia started laughing "You get on my nerves"
"Yeah well, do you love me?" Her voice sounded more hopeful than slurred.
"What?" She was still laughing, just not in a funny way. More in a 'what the fuck do I do' way "What're you asking me?"
"Fucking hell, how much clearer do I have to make it? Do you love me?"
She had finally stopped giggling "Are you serious?"
"Yeah, Lessi, are you in love with me?"
"No, you're like" Her breath hitches "I don't know what you're like but I don't love you"
"Good, everyone who I love and who loves me leaves. And I don't want you to leave Alessia" She rests her head on the bench "Call an uber, you can crash at mine"

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