Chapter thirty two

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After two months and a few days, we returned home to Red Palace in Kilig. For more than two months my brother was in charge because Cassius did not trust his brother, Bael.

The first snow has already fallen. A white blanket covered the vast landscape. The snow glistened beautifully in the moonlight. Smoke billowed from the chimneys of the houses. It rose to the heavens and melted into the void. Children were playing in the streets. They were throwing snow. They were building snowmen. They made snow angels. I could see my breath in the cold air. Although the cold won't kill me, I was still shivering. A warm fur coat kept me warm.

Alexei welcomed us in front of the palace gates. "Welcome home."

"I see you haven't ruined it here while we were gone," I smirked.

"Did you doubt, sister?" he smiled back at me.

"I would never allow myself to do that, brother."

We both laughed. We hugged.

"You've done a good job here, Alexei," Cassius said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. However, I heard that you had a harder time on the road," said Alexei.

"Only minor, unexpected complications," Cassius said.

Alexei and I walked through the snowy gardens. The flowers have already lost their beauty. The leaves on the trees were falling. Their bare branches reached toward the sky like voracious gnats. It started to snow. Snowflakes fell from the sky and merged with the snow cover on the ground. They got caught in Alexei's hair. They sparkled like little gems.

"How is it possible that the king is still alive?" Alexei gave me a questioning look.

"I changed my plans a bit," I said.

"I saw you smile in his company, Dragomira. You were smiling sincerely," noted Alexei. "Do you like him?"

"Maybe," I said to myself with a smile.

"Admit to yourself that you fell in love with the king." Alexei grinned. "I can see it in you."

"I have to say that the ice has been broken between us," I acknowledged.

"And nothing more?" he looked at me with a mischievous sparkle in the eye. "Even you didn't seem indifferent to the king."

The truth is I desire him.

"He drank my blood," I admitted. "And I drank his." I blushed.

Alexei looked at me in shock. "Dragomira, do you realize that you can't get out of this now? When you drink each other's blood, it's like making a promise to each other for eternity."

"I know, Alexei, and I want to stay. I care about him," I said.

"So you're going to give him back the dagger?" he asked me.

"No." I refused. "If he knew I have it, he'd kill me."

And on top of that, I have to figure out how to get rid of Balmore without being suspected of planning the murder of the king with him and Bael. They are a threat.

"You should trust him more."

"You know my trust is pretty shaky."

"Do you trust anyone?" he gave me a mischievous smile.

No, but I don't say it out loud.

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