Chapter twenty five

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The morning came and with it came the big day.

They dressed me in a gorgeous white dress with a long train. The lace was stitched with silver threads. They were decorated with pearls. The skirt of the dress was so wide that I was afraid that I would not fit through the door. My maid braided my hair into fancy braids. She stuck needles with pearls into them.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I liked what I saw. Well, maybe I hated the look a little bit. My last wedding did not go well.

"You can always do miracles with me, Anastasia," I told my maid.

"It wouldn't have been possible without your natural beauty, Your Highness," she said. "I only picked up what nature gave you."

"Do you think His Majesty will like me?" I asked.

"He will be charmed by you," she replied.

My chambers looked like a brand new place in the daylight. I couldn't imagine myself in a world immersed in sunlight. I shut open all the windows and watched the world beyond them. It's been years since I last saw turquoise skies. It's been so long since I felt the warmth of the sun on my face and it didn't burn me. I almost forgot what it was like.

Alexei entered my chambers but immediately retreated back into the corridor. I quickly drew the curtains. He entered. He looked at me confused.

"Did you just go out in the sun and not burn, or am I just delusional?" he said.

"It's a wedding gift from the king," I said.

"So now you can walk in the sun?" he asked shocked.

"Yes," I confirmed.

"How is that possible?" he didn't understand. "How did he do that?"

"I can't say that," I replied. "Cassius wants to keep it a secret and I agree."

"Since when do you listen to the king's orders, sister?" Alexei wondered. "I thought you always did the exact opposite. Or did he threaten you again?" he became serious.

"No," I said. "He saved my life this time. But I can't tell anyone how he did it."

I approached my bed and pulled out a magic dagger from under the pillow. It felt strange to hold it in my hand, now that it was the only weapon that could kill me too. But before that, anyone could have killed me. It's only one day and I still have a lot to get used to.

Alexei looked at me worriedly. "You want to kill the king in front of everyone?"

"No," I said. "I'll wait until we're alone."

"You still haven't changed your mind?" he asked me. "He did save your life, and the massacre in the courtyard was because of you."

"One good thing doesn't erase all the bad ones, brother," I replied.

"No, but you can forgive," Alexei countered.

"So this is how you put up with him all these years? Have you forgiven him?'

"You've done bad things too, Dragomira, and I've forgiven you."

Truth. He forgave me more than I deserved.

"I joined the royal guard despite knowing what kind of king he is. I swore to protect him and trust his decisions. And now I will protect you as my queen."

"You did that even without me being queen." I grinned.

"Because we are family, sister. The family helps and protects itself."

Alexei took the dagger from my hand. I let him take it from me.

"You don't need it for the ceremony," he told me.

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