Chapter twenty

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Cassius consulted with his advisers and commanders. They were supposed to solve the crisis in the north. The news kept coming in about the invasion of King Noir's troops from Odera. He became more and more daring. A human king who thought he would conquer the vampire kingdom. People were starving. They needed to figure out how to prevent the impending civil war. The people rebelled against the crown. Against the crown that did not protect them and that exploited them.

Against a crown, they weren't sure even existed for years.

I was also present. Cassius requested my presence. It was an order and there was no way to refuse. I was constantly accompanied by guards. I was forbidden to carry weapons. However, I still carried the dagger that Balmore had given me. I had it hidden under the skirt of the dress. I wanted to take advantage of the moment when he was off guard and kill him. It was well hidden so that Cassius would not find it. I don't even want to think about the consequences if he would have.

Cassius talked to the commanders about war strategy. Alexei was one of them. I felt him still looking at me. I couldn't look at him. I told him not to accept the position of guard commander, but he wouldn't be my brother if he listened to me. Despite the circumstances, it was an honor for him.

I didn't listen to anything that was said there. I caught words about moving troops and wagons with food and medical aid for the people, but I didn't pay attention. I liked war strategy, but I didn't have the strength to deal with it now. The wounds on my skin healed, but I was still bleeding inside. My body was there, but my mind was in my own world. In a world without borders, without royal courts and intrigues. Without Cassius.

"What do you think, Dragomira?" Cassius' voice woke me from my daydream.

"What?" I said confused.

"Everybody out!" Cassius ordered.

Those present looked at each other seriously.

"Instantly!" Cassius pointed out.

Now everyone has obeyed. Only Alexei hesitated. He was looking at me. I gave him a look that everything would be fine. I wasn't sure about it myself.

"Do you want something, Alexei?" Cassius told him.

"No, Your Majesty," replied Alexei.

Alexei left. Me and Cassius were left alone.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked him.

"You've been so quiet lately," Cassius remarked. "Kind of tame."

"That's what you wanted, Your Majesty, wasn't it?" I told him. "A puppet that you can control. Someone who will tell you what a wonderful king you are."

"I wanted to tame you, not turn you into a mindless puppet," Cassius objected.

"And in your attempt to tame me, you broke me, Your Majesty," I replied. "I surrender to you."

A shadow flickered through his mask. He wanted to say something but then closed his mouth.

"Don't call me Your Majesty. You know I don't like it," he finally said. "It always sounds like an insult coming from you."

"As you wish, Your Majesty." I even bowed to him.

Cassius sighed. He rolled his eyes.

"I want you to be the way you were before," he said.

"I'm afraid that won't be possible, Your Majesty," I said. "You want many things and they are mutually exclusive. But I can promise you that I will always be honest with you."

"So tell me what you think of my plan to help our people," said Cassius.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty, but I wasn't paying attention. What are your plans?'

"Autumn is coming. Winter will come quickly. We send food to people. The invasion of the troops destroyed everything. We will also close the borders and they will be guarded by soldiers twenty-four hours a day against further attacks," he told me.

"Your people will appreciate any help," I said honestly.

"Our people," he corrected me. "You will become queen and so they will be your people as well. They are also your people."

There was a wide gap between us. We could both feel it. The room was cold. Neither of us knew exactly what to say. As if all words were wrong. However, every time I looked at him I felt terrible anger. On him. On me. To the whole world.

"Tell me, Dragomira." Cassius cut through the heavy silence. "You know people. You know what they need. How would you help them?" he asked me. "And be honest. You don't have to bite your tongue."

"I have nothing to offer your kingdom, Your Majesty," I replied after an almost endless moment of hesitation. "You say you didn't know about the suffering of your people, but the truth is that Toska is falling apart because you didn't care. You want me to prove that I will be a good queen, but I can never prove that if you are a bad king."

The words silenced him. I could feel him trying to get closer to me, but my words repelled him.

"If I answered your questions, am I allowed to leave?" I asked him.

"If you wish," he said coldly.

However, before I left, he told me: "The wedding will take place on the day of the autumnal equinox. It was the day I was transformed. You're the only one who knows it now."

It was sort of his own way of apologizing. You are the only one who knows. My little secret. Our secret.

"I want it to be a new beginning. With you."

"Remember how you told me that I didn't find happiness because maybe I didn't find the right person?" I reminded him.

Cassius nodded.

"For a second I thought it might be you," I said. "I was willing to love even the monster in you until you turned it against me."

"And how do you feel about me now?" he asked hesitantly.

"I hate you." I gave him his answer. "You keep me here as your prisoner. You are using my brother as a hostage against me."

"If you're implying that I made him the commander of the royal guards, he deserved that position. He follows orders better than others. He is good at fighting. Faithful, even if his faithfulness now turns more to you. Men trust and respect him. I would offer him the place anyway. He was my first choice." Cassius said.

"I know he deserves it," I said and left.

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