Chapter three

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A lavish ball was held every month in the Red Palace, to which only the nobility were invited. I was to attend my first ball at the palace. My father wanted to officially introduce me to the vampire court and maybe he was a little hopeful that I would catch someone's eye there and thus raise our family in status.

"Put on the black dress," my father told me when I appeared in bright red.

Black is the favorite color of King Cassius. At least that's what is said. All high-born ladies, vampires or mortals always dressed in black, hoping to catch the king's attention.

My father also hoped that he might like me. Becoming queen would be the greatest achievement.

"It's supposed to be a ball, not a funeral," I said.

And also, if all the ladies are dressed in black, I will stand out best among them if I am in a different color. How can the king notice me better than if I stand out above everyone else?

My father taught me to desire power.

It was natural for me. I had nothing and out of nowhere, I had everything.

And I never had enough.

"I want you to make a good impression, Dragomira," said the father.

"I won't do that if I'm going to act as another suitor for King Cassius," I objected.

"But it wouldn't be bad if the king himself noticed you," my father countered.

"But he won't notice me if I'm like all the others," I argued. "And besides, I don't want to appear overly interested in the king."

"You should have."

"If the king wanted a puppet that would fulfill his every wish, we would have had a queen a long time ago."

We arrived at the Red Palace. From the outside, it was a representative seat of power. It was terrifying and magnificent at the same time. Tall turrets stretched to the heavens. And when I walked in, I lost my breath. I was speechless with amazement. The high vaults were decorated with beautiful paintings. Crystal chandeliers sparkled in the soft candlelight. Cheerful music echoed through the premises of the Red Palace. The guests danced to its rhythm.

"Ivan Ivanovich the third together with his daughter Dragomira Ivanovna." they introduced us upon our arrival.

It was just a formality. The guests didn't even notice our arrival otherwise.

My father took me to dance. It was different from when I was learning to dance at home. I had to get used to the rhythm of the crowd of people waving around me. It was definitely not like dancing with my brother in an empty hall.

"Don't be nervous, Dragomira," my father reassured me. "You can beat the best swordsmen in a fight, the dance must be easy."

"But the fight is easier," I replied.

"Take it as a fight," my father told me. "You have to match your moves with your opponent's moves. The only difference is that you won't kill anyone in the process.''

"It would be more fun if it involved killing," I said with a mischievous smile.

"We can go hunt tomorrow," he said.

I let my father guide me. I gathered courage in my steps. I was no longer afraid. The pearl I had hidden under my dress reminded me of my mother's words. I'm just as good as them. And I swore to myself that one day I would prove to them that I am even better.

My father took me to introduce me to some high-ranking lords.

"This is my daughter, Dragomira," he introduced me.

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