Chapter eleven

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I was sneaking through the corridors of the palace. Even the king's private quarters were no different from the rest of the palace. They were cold. If it weren't for the guards standing at attention, they would seem deserted. Only a few rooms intended for the flamboyant display of power to the public differed. The walls here were empty, made of cold stone. Vaulted ceilings rose high. King Cassius obviously didn't like any chance of being recognized. I couldn't find any painting of him. I wonder why he is so afraid of being seen.

"You always liked to sneak around the palace to find traces of Cassius." Bael found me. "Now you've found him, so why are you sneaking around?"

"Out of habit." I gave him a smile.

"What are you looking for this time?" he asked me.

"Rather, I just remember the times when everything was so simple," I replied. "Why is it so empty here?" I asked him. "I thought Cassius had his own kind of court."

"The Red Palace is divided into several parts. A classic court for the nobility, of which you yourself was a part for years. His inner court, for a select few. And then there are his private quarters." Bael replied pointing to the wide area we were in. "Only his advisors and I are allowed to enter here. And you, Dragomira, are the only one who got the chance to live here."

"What an honor Cassius keeps me close," I said and Bael laughed.

"Your brother told me what happened," Bael remarked. "He asked me to speak to Cassius to let you go. Or at least so that he doesn't kill you."

"I apologize for him."

"You don't have to," Bael said. "He's just worried about you."

"I told him that he can't help me, so at least he shouldn't ruin his own life for me," I said.

"I told him something similar," Bael said with a comforting smile. "Once my brother sets his mind to something, no one can stop him. I can only affect collateral victims."

"And I'm the main victim," I remarked.

Bael took a step closer to me, two, three. We were standing close to each other. I could almost feel his heart beating in his chest. With a gentle touch, he smoothed the unruly strands of hair behind my ear.

"I told you you'd want to kill him," he reminded me, not intending to hurt me.

"Do you want to kill me, Bael?" as if out of nowhere came the terrifying voice.

We turned to him.

"Of course not," Bael said thoughtfully. "I just meant that you can be unbearable sometimes. But you are still my brother and I would never stand against you."

"Let's just say I believe you." Cassius measured him with a look. "What do you want here?" he asked him.

"I came to check on Dragomira if she's okay," said Bael.

"She is alive and well as you can see. Now leave." Cassius ordered him.

"As you wish, my brother." Bael obediently obeyed.

I wanted to leave too, to return to my chambers, but Cassius caught me. However, his grip was not as firm and cruel as before.

"Dragomira," he said my name with unnatural tenderness.

I jerked away from him. I pushed him away from me.

"Maybe you can imprison me here, but you won't order me around," I told him irritated.

"I know what you think of me, but—"

"Then prove me otherwise," I told him. "Because so far your actions prove those words to be true."

Cassius didn't say anything, he just looked at me through his mask of stone, so I turned and left.

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