Chapter twenty seven

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I was in the courtyard shooting at a target. I was excellent with a sword, but lousy with a bow and arrow. I shot one arrow after another and could not hit the target. Sometimes I managed to at least hit the edge of the target.

An arrow flew from a distance and hit straight in the middle. I turned to the direction from which the arrow came from. Cassius walked towards me, bow in hand. He didn't have a shirt on. He was dressed only in a doublet embroidered with gold. The sun's rays illuminated the toned muscles of his body. An unruly strand of hair fell into his bewitching eyes.

I have to admit he looked more than good.

However, I immediately pushed those thoughts out of my mind. I couldn't think of him like that. It was unacceptable. He is my enemy.

"Don't show off," I told him.

"How come you're so bad with a bow?" Cassius wondered. "I thought you were unbeatable in battle."

"In a sword fight." I rolled my eyes.

"You have bad technique," Cassius told me.

"Then instruct me, Your Majesty." I bowed to him.

"Are you mad at me because of our wedding night?" he looked at me inquisitively.

"Not at all," I replied. "I'm rather glad that you prevented me from making that mistake. I was drunk."

"Am I a mistake, Dragomira?" he took a step closer to me.

I took another step towards him. "I hate you," I said.

"You're not so sure about that," Cassius said with a mischievous smile and took another tiny step toward me. He closed the gap between us.

"You don't know anything about me," I retorted. "You don't know me at all."

"Maybe," he bit his bottom lip nonchalantly. "But I know you dream about kissing me. You shiver when I say your name, Dragomira."

"I thought I saw hallucinations when I was poisoned, but apparently it happens to you in a normal state." I returned a mischievous smile.

"What if I convince you?"

I laughed. "That Your Majesty would fall in love with a girl he wants to kill?"

Cassius smiled wickedly. "So you're upset about my terms?"

"It's just a game after all. You like to have fun, don't you?" I said. "Though I haven't seen you in the company of your maids for a long time."

"It's more fun to torture you, dear Dragomira."

I backed away from him. I stretched the bowstring and aimed the arrow at him. I stared at him.

"What will you do, Dragomira? Are you going to try to kill me? Again?"

"I can try."

"You know a simple arrow in the heart won't kill me."

"It will be all the more fun. I can kill you over and over and over..."

He took a step towards me. The arrowhead rested against his chest. "I'll make it easier for you because you wouldn't have hit anyway." his eyes sparkled with a challenge.

And I accepted it.

I released the string. I released the arrow. It shot him through the chest. He staggered backward. A trickle of blood trickled down his chin from the corner of his mouth. He pierced me with a look. He tore the arrow from his chest and tossed it to the ground. Blood flowed down his toned body. The wound healed quickly. He took a step towards me and I took a step back.

"You greatly underestimate me, Cassius," I said.

"What if I kill you now, but forever?" his lips curled into a wicked smirk.

"I heard you lost your dagger," I remarked. "They allegedly stole it from you. You can't kill me without it."

"How do you know that?" Cassius was horrified.

"Rumors are spreading," I replied.

"What rumors?"

Now I had to be careful with my words. Just to show him that I have the upper hand over him, at least once in my life, and not drove myself into a trap. He must not find out that I have the dagger, but he would know the lie.

"Supposedly your son who wants your throne has it."

"Our throne," he corrected me. "You keep forgetting that you wear my crown on your head."

"How lovely. I have to admit, I like wearing it, even if it's a bit big." I grinned. "Have you found your son yet?"

"Not. He still remains hidden from me," he replied. "But how do you know all that?"

"You finally gave me the freedom to leave the palace. I went among the people and was interested," I told him.

"And why are you interested in my son?"

"He wants your head and I'm your wife now. The Queen. He'll probably want mine right after yours."

"And did you find out anything else?" he wondered.

"He's probably hiding among the hunters. That's why they have the courage to go after you," I replied. "Now they have a weapon against you."

Cassius grabbed my hand and pressed my back to his chest. He rested his head on my shoulder.

"So that's why you're so rude all of a sudden," he whispered in my ear. "You think I have no power over you now?"

"I thought you like me like this, Your Majesty," I said.

"If you want to play like that, you need to learn how to shoot a bow," said Cassius.

He took the crown he had given me and put it on his head. I liked wearing it. I suddenly felt naked without it. However, it suited him better. He looked so classy and superior with it. I would bow to him too.

"And will you teach me?" I challenged him.

I stretched the bowstring and aimed the arrow at a distant target. I felt the warmth of Cassius' body on my back. His breath on my neck.

"Put your hand a little lower," Cassius told me, pushing my elbow to lower it.

I obeyed, but as he suddenly released me, I involuntarily picked it up again.

"Lower," Cassius repeated.

This time he kept his hand on my elbow.

"Aim. Imagine my head on the target," he said.

I laughed.

"Take your time."

I took a deep breath. I exhaled. I repeated it. I released the arrow and it hit. It wasn't the center, but at least I hit the target. I was happy. I turned to Cassius, wanted to hug him, but an arrow pierced my stomach.

I felt a sharp pain. I ripped the arrow from my body. My fingers turned red with my own blood.

We were both covered in blood now.

It was unusual for the wound to heal immediately. But it was an advantage. Also a curse. His games could now go much further than before. He can do whatever he wants with me and I will survive.

I gave Cassius a murderous look.

Again he brought back to life the anger I felt to him.

"Maybe this will teach you not to shoot arrows at me next time," he said.

"What weapons are allowed in our war?" I grinned.

"Do you really want to be at war with me, Dragomira?"

"Are you afraid of losing, Cassius?"

"I never lose."

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