Chapter 12

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Y/n relax in the garden. His hair sway with the warm breeze as he sip his green tea he love being alone.

Till he heard his crow cawing in the distance which ruined his relaxation. The crow circle in the air which meant that he had to go on a mission and Raliko's crow flew there also so Raliko and y/n had to leave y/n's mother.

Raliko and y/n bid farewell to her before setting off to go to their mission and stop by a shop that sells some sweets

"no... Y/n don't.."

Y/n looked at the sweets as he glance Raliko with a smirk before Raliko can even stop him y/n bought alot of sweets and Raliko is disappointed cause he knows y/n will have sugar rush if he eats it while on a mission.

They continue walking while y/n ate his sweets and Raliko just drank water, when they got to the place where their mission is. It was already night time and Raliko wanted to get over with it meanwhile y/n has suger rush.

Raliko tried to focus on defeating the demon while y/n kept doing reckless attacks he is to high on sugar to the point that Raliko had to hide y/n somewhere to protect him while doing the mission.

While y/n hid in the bush he suddenly felt a powerful presence near him and when he peeked out of the bush he saw bird legs, y/n is confused on why there is a big ass bird legs before he cane even react urogi pulled y/n out of the bush.

"hello y/n-San!"

Urogi spoke happily and his wide smile never faded as he pulled y/n in a tight hug, y/n seems to be confused on how urogi found him in first place well he is a demon after all and the upper 4 what did he expect.

"what do you want...?"

Y/n looked at urogi, who seemed excited to show y/n something. Urogi promptly flew up into the air, carrying y/n in his arms. Y/n gasped, holding onto Urogi tightly as he sped through the air.

After Urogi landed on the cliff, he lowered y/n down and held y/n in his arms. However, y/n couldn't feel their legs after the descent.

Urogi hugged y/n, burying his face on the back of y/n's neck. Y/n smiled a bit and patted Urogi's head, causing him to snuggle closer to y/n with happiness.

Y/n looked at the view and it is breathtaking as the wind flew pass them, y/n's hair sway with the wind as urogi kept cuddling up to y/n and soon after urogi took out a beautiful hair ornament.

Y/n looked at the view and it is breathtaking as the wind flew pass them, y/n's hair sway with the wind as urogi kept cuddling up to y/n and soon after urogi took out a beautiful hair ornament

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Y/n is shocked by the gift and couldn't help but blush as urogi handed it to y/n with a loving smile and y/n shook his head he couldn't believe that urogi gave him this.

"thank you... Urogi..."

Y/n spoke quietly as he held the hair ornament he thought it would be useful if he had to dress up as a girl for a mission..

"no problem y/n-San"

Urogi just hug y/n tightly as he blushed, he can never imagine a demon would love him so much to the point getting such a expensive item.

Meanwhile with Raliko who is searching for y/n in a panic as he is so worried that he thinks that y/n is hurt or even eaten by a demon.

Raliko searched for y/n all around the forest till he found urogi fly down to Raliko with a sleeping y/n and when he landed he handed y/n to Raliko who at this point is a mess from running around trying to find y/n.

"your name is Raliko right?"

Urogi asked curiously as Raliko nodded as he checked on y/n if he hurt or anything.

"well can you perhaps teach me how to cook human food one day??"

Urogi asked excitedly while Raliko is shock that a demon want to learn how to cook human foods.

"alright let's just hope you don't burn the pan when we cook.."

Raliko spoke calmly before urogi smiled and urogi told him that he will visit him at night time always before flying off and raliko started walk away holding y/n who held onto the bag with the hair ornament inside.

765 words

Sekido next besties 😘

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Sekido next besties 😘

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