Chapter 21

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Raliko is fighting sekido till he got attacked by karaku's wind attack


Raliko yelled as he got yeeted at some part of the forest before karaku and nezuko started fighting.

Y/n is just tied up and set aside by sekido cause he didn't want y/n to be hurt in the fight.

Y/n struggle in the rope.. It's tight that you can barely move your arms.


Y/n yelled as he is wiggling on the corner trying to get out of the ropes, he is frustrated at this point.

"shut up"

Sekido said in anger and didn't even bother to look at y/n, he looked at karaku and aizetsu.

"this useless idiots... Why couldn't they just get rid both of this piece of shit already.."

Sekido said in anger as he let out a huff and glared at karaku, who is having fun teasing nezuko.

"ahaha! Come on your doing great just one more push!"

Karaku laughed as he is grinning

"whats wrong? Is that all you got??"

"quit goofing off and dismember her karaku, this is getting annoying by the second here!"

Sekido said as he slam his Khakkhara on the ground a bit. He grip his staff tightly in anger before karaku spoke

"keep your hands to yourself! This little girl is for mine for the killing, you and aizetsu can find your own prey!"

Karaku said as he kept teasing nezuko. Aizetsu spoke up

"hey karaku.. you seem to be struggling... Let me be the one to finish her..."

Aizetsu said sadly yet calming tone.. He tried to pull his yari out of genya.

"mm.. My yari seems to be stuck.."

Genya then looked up at aizetsu with a smirk and said.

"your fighting with me.."

Genya said before he shot aizetsu at the neck and sekido turn to look at the two and just saw how genya shot aizetsu.. Sekido groan in frustration.

"how can you take a hit like that aizetsu!?"

Sekido said angrily before aizetsu moved his yari out of genya.

"fuck.. He is pulling it out...!"

Aizetsu took it out painfully that it damage his vital spot..

"a slow and painful death is a sad to witness isn't.."

Aizetsu turned to look at sekido with a sad expression

"I went for his vital spot so he could have a quick death.. I guess he couldn't die cause of my spear still lodge in him.."

Aizetsu said quietly and sekido just glared at him. Aizetsu looked at sekido.

"but at the very least his suffering is over"

Aizetsu heard chanting and looked at genya

"the Amida Sutra... How biased of you to choose that as your last words...?"

Aizetsu asked while he turned to look at genya

"he is still alive aizetsu! Hurry up and split his head into two!!"

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