Chapter 3: Introductions

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You're my awesome vampire creator :D


It was as if I had been staring at the sun for too long, and it had burned itself behind my eyelids. Whenever I closed my eyes I saw them, his eyes. His golden, sparkling, beautiful eyes.

Snap out of it! I shouted to myself. He was just a guy, nothing more. Just a guy, a guy who happened to look exactly like an angel I had been dreaming about for three months. I sighed and tried to tune out Claire and her friends frantically discussing the new arrival. He had walked out of the classroom so fast he could have been running for his life... from me. Suddenly his aura filled the room again and I just stopped myself short of turning around. That was when Mr. Nelson made his grand appearance.

Mr. Nelson was my homeroom teacher. He was short with beady black eyes hidden behind wire-rimmed glasses. If he were an animal his pointed, scrawny features would automatically make a rat. I couldn't stop the shiver that ran down my spine when he sat down on his desk and placed his black eyes directly on me. I immediately felt cold, freezing. As if someone had thrown a bucket of ice water over my head. As quickly as it had appeared, the cold was replaced by a feeling of intense warmth, like I was sitting in front of a hearth fire. His aura seemed to be fighting against Mr. Nelson's. Mr. Nelson's eyes narrowed and he quickly said to the class, "We have a new student joining us today. Everyone say hello to Luke Lockhart. Luke, why don't you come up here and introduce yourself?" he said with a raised eyebrow. Like a challenge.

Luke walked to the front of the room with his head held high, holding Mr. Nelson's gaze coolly. He turned to face the class and I caught me breath. It was as if my dream had decided to take place in my classroom instead of a cliff. He seemed to radiate a golden glow and I dimly heard Claire make an appreciative sound. "Well, what can I say? My name is Luke Lockhart and I'm 16 years old. i transferred here from New York with my dad." he said. His voice was unforgettable, he seemed to captivate everyone with that single sentence. Only Mr. Nelson seemed wholly unaffected.

I felt Claire raise her hand behind me, and then her vice invaded my little bubble. "So what's it like in NY handsome?" Luke blushed slightly and said, "Louder, definately louder." This sent a chuckle through the class amd Luke walked to the back of the room to the desk closest to the door. Mr. Nelson was seething, though I couldn't even fathom a reason why.

"Well Mr Lockhart, since you are new in the school it seems I should assign you a welcoming committee. Someone to direct you to your classes and help you get settled." declared Mr. Nelson. Immediately five hands went up, Claire's was one of them. I rolled my eyes and her obvious enthusiasm for the project. I wanted to stay as far away from him as possible, he was too much like my angel for my liking. Mr. Nelson evidently saw this and pounced on the opportunity. "Miss James, why don't you escorts Mr. Lockhart around campus?" In his eyes I could see the dare, he was challenging me to say yes. I heard the whispered mutterings behind me, the class obviously did not feel too good about the hot new guy being escorted around by the school witch. But i couldn't bring myself to refuse Mr. Nelson.

"Alright sir." I said, and the mutterings got louder. Just then the bell rang and everyone began to move. I packed up my stuff and made my way to the door, where he was leaning against the frame looking like a god among us mortals. I walked up to him and he straightened up, looking me in the eye. I fought against the drowning sensation I felt when our eyes met, trying not to invision my golden angel. He held out his hand and said in his velvet voice, "Hi, I'm Luke."

I hesitantly took his hand and shook. Nothing happened, no spark or fireworks, which I was equally happy and disappointed for. "Ella James." I responded, and he flashed me a dazzling smile.

"Nice to meet you.' he said and then turned and walked away, obviously expecting me to follow. Everyone else in the hallway looked on in jealousy at our exchange. Great... I thought. Now that he knew my name there was no getting away from him. No more introductions to people who remind you of gorgeous angels who appear from time to time (every single night) in your dreams Ella, I thought as I followed him. No more.

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