prom and camping!

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School finally let out and i went dress shopping. I invited Audrey and Kat to go with me, we arrived there....finally, my jeep was too old to even be able to function properly, i really needed to shop for a new one, but i can only do one thing at a time. We walked into the shop and it was remotely empty besides a few other girls. Me , Audrey , and kat all tried on dresses. Eventually, i picked out a poofy. long, black dressed that hugged my waist in the right ways. It was perfect! Kat wore a short, royal blue dress with a cape. And Audrey wore a lavender, long, tight dress with a slit that exposed her thigh. We did our hair, makeup, nails, and everything. We looked hot honestly, "are you guys ready?" i said with a smile as i looked at us in the mirror. We took audrey's car and arrived, the theme was masquerade so they gave us small masks at the entrance, we e entered into the school where the prom was being held, my eyes looked around and quickly landed on Annie, she looked breath taking..She was wearing a long dark green dress with rhinestones on it making her shimmer when the light hit her correctly. My eyes didn't leave Annie for the rest of the night, I knew i had to eventually break the ice, why not be tonight? I walked over to her amongst the crowd and sat down next to her "hey.." i mumbled, she immediately turned to me "hi..." there was a wave of silence before i spoke. "so um..I know we have to go on a trip together soon, and i just wanna say, you were drunk and- it was a mess, let's forget about it, okay?" i said with a smile. She looked at me and smirked "yeah...just don't go tellin people i kissed you okay, Prescott?" she called me by my last name...My cheeks immediately went red but i tried not to show it and just nodded..The rest of the night was pretty fun, i tried to keep my eyes away from Annie but she wasn't trying to keep her glances a secret, every time i looked at her she was watching me..Eventually, prom ended and we all went home, we were gonna meet at Audrey's house and take Audrey's car to her families cabin. I drove to audrey's and parked my car, everyone else was already there. We all somehow fit in her fuck boy car and we were off!


Prom was pretty good, i just hated how awkward it was between me and Mae. I felt like an idiot for kissing her but i felt even more stupid for wishing she stayed...I was in Audrey's car alongside with Max and Mae..The music played and it was mostly basic white girl music, i basically slept the whole way until we got to the cabin, I got out of the cramped car and stretched, quite loudly..Everyone turned to me and laughed, suddenly i looked around and seen the most gorgeous view! There was snow on the mountains and it was foggy, i genuinely felt at peace. I grabbed my bags and tried to help everyone else with theirs, eventually we got unpacked and picked our rooms..There were 3 rooms one for max, one for audrey...and...only one left..I looked at Mae awkwardly. "i'll uh- i'll sleep on the floor?" i said as i scratched the back of my neck. She just stared at me.."don't be an idiot, we can sleep in the same's a King size anyways." she said, i nodded in agreement but a part of me was nervous for night time, i unpacked and went outside to the small pond beside the cabin, it was damn near frozen to a point it could be a ice rink! It was chilly outside and nippy because we were in the mountains, not to mention it was winter...Suddenly, i heard a voice behind me.."chilly out here isn't it?" it was Mae..."yeah..makes me miss summer." i said as i chuckled, she laughed as well. "well anyways, Audrey is making hot coco if you want some." she said as she turned and walked away. I followed Mae inside, the warm air from the cabin hit me instantly, i took off my gloves and jacket and sat down, I seen max and Audrey talking to each other..They seemed, distant..I frowned as i looked at them, Audrey handed me a cup of hot coco. "so guys, i think we should just try to stay inside today, get use to the cabin and stuff!" Audrey said with a smile, everyone nodded in agreement. Night fall came quickly, I was nervous to share a bed with Mae but i tried to make it work, Max and Audrey were still downstairs watching Netflix while me and Mae were getting ready for bed. "hey mae do you have my char-" i barged in the bathroom to see Mae naked! "fuck! im so sorry-" i yelled as i quickly walked out, bumping into the wall and damn near knocking myself out, Mae came out moments later fully clothed thank god, "did you see anything- im sorry, i should've locked the door..." i awkwardly looked at her, my cheeks still red "i uh- no i didn't see anything, we should probably go to bed.." i said as i quickly hopped into bed and turned on You Tube, she stared at me for a second before nodding and laying down next to me..We made small talk before uncomfortable silence fell upon us...I tried to close my eyes and sleep but it was hard, the wind blew loud and nipped at my body harshly, i eventually fell asleep to the sounds of Maes soft snoring..I was awoken a few hours later to Mae saying my name "annie..." she groaned quietly..."yes?" i said tiredly. No reply, i turned to her and my eyes widened. I realized she was saying my name in her sleep! She repeated my name moments after, my heart started racing..Why was she dreaming about me? The way her voice sounded did turn me on slightly but i had to ignore it, I tried to fall back asleep but the thoughts of what she as dreaming about lurked in my mind..

(SO SORRY if this seems rushed, this is only my second story and i'm still learning.)

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