Drunk words are sober thoughts.

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MAES POV: i seen Annie getting harassed by a jock, before i could think i was running towards her and snaking my arm around her shoulder..I eventually pulled her over to Audrey and my brother. "We should get out of here." i said sternly. "what why?" Audrey said slurring her words, great she was drunk. I sighed "look, me and Annie are leaving, you can stay or come with, your choice." I said. "sis, calm down.." my brother said teasingly, he also sounded drunk. i groaned in annoyance "whatever..max im taking your truck because my car is almost out of gas. I'll be back soon." before he could protest i walked out, dragging Annie out of the house party. She stumbled behind me trying to keep up, we eventually made it to the car before i realized Annie was drunk too "fuck!" i yelled before slamming my hands against the car. "get in the car." i said opening the door for her..She looked at me "don't fucking hit the car?" she said. I grumbled "just get in." she looked at me shooting daggers with her stare, she finally backed down after a long stare down. she got in the passenger side as i started driving. "does he have a charger?" i said breaking the silence she answered back "uhh..maybe in the glovebo-" before she could finish i was reaching into the glove box over her. I heard a light gasp coming out of her. When i pulled my hand away i lightly grazed her thigh, I knew she noticed but i just cleared my throat and continued to drive. "where's your house..?" i said "uhh...it's my address is Kellen 4052.." she answered. I arrived to her house 20 minutes later, i looked over to her and she was asleep "fuck" i mumbled. "get up." i said as i shook her lightly "get up..." i said again, she didn't get up. She was passed out from the alcohol. I groaned loudly and snaked my arms around her body bridal style. Thank god her door was unlocked. I found her room and gently untucked the blanket and lay her down. As i was walking out i heard her mumble "stay with me." she said with a deep voice. I automatically froze "what?" i said as i turned "please stay?" she said..Before i even could comprehend what i was doing i was walking over to her and laying down next to her, i could feel her warm breath beating down my neck. I looked into her eyes and she stared back at me, suddenly she inched closer. My heart started pounding out of my chest..Suddenly her lips connected on mine letting out a soft moan, i quickly pulled away and jumped up out of bed "you fucki- goddammit!" i yelled as i stormed out, i wasn't going to take advantage of her while she was drunk. I got into maxs car and drove back to the party, a tornado of thoughts brewing in my mind as i sped back to the party. Suddenly i heard cop sirens behind me "fuck!!" i yelled. Tonight was the worst! I pulled over and heard the cops footsteps as he walked over to my window and tapped on it, signaling me to roll it down. I sighed and rolled it down "Ma'am are you aware you were going 50mp in a 30?" he said, my eyes widened.."Can i see your ID?"

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