no escaping

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MAES POV: I got done changing and seen Annie already out there warming up, i rolled my eyes and went down where the nets were set up, i began practicing while shooting a few glances at Annie. Suddenly the coach blew her whistle and i slumped over to her. She gave us the basic run down and we began practicing. The ball finally went into my hands. I did a quick spike and Annie tried to catch it before it hit the ground, but not only did the ball hit the ground..but annie did too. I rushed over to make sure she was alright and was greeted how i  expected, with a shove and a very angry Annie. The coach told her to go home and rest, i wanted to follow her and apologize but she didn't want to talk to me. And that's fine. The rest of the volleyball tryouts went well for me at least..It was finally time to go home, I called Audrey "hey" she answered "hey, do you want to come over after school..?" i said with a hopeful tone "uhh, yeah sure! i'll be there in 20?" audrey said. i responded and hung up the phone. Me and audrey arrived to my house at the same time. i got out of my old jeep and she got out of whatever form of sports car that was.."my parents aren't home." i added with a small smile. audrey nodded and we entered the house, i sat down on the kitchen counter while Audrey ransacked my kitchen for whatever she could find. i broke the silence by saying "how did you know?" she turned to me with a eyebrow raised "know what?" she said with a goofy grin i sighed, "how did you know you were gay?" i said impatiently "umm, i dont know...I guess i just knew?" she said with a smile her eyes immediately lit up after saying that "wait are you..." i cut her off immediately "no." she awkwardly nodded and went back to ransacking my kitchen. I mean, i kinda did feel..things about women sometimes but i mean- my thoughts were cut short by audrey's phone ringing, I looked at audrey and she looked at her phone "hello?" she said with a smile, i raised an eyebrow and she mouthed the words "Annie" just hearing her name made my blood boil. I sighed loudly and nodded. She quickly said goodbye and ended the call "why do you guys hate each other?" she said sitting beside me with a opened jar of Nutella, i rolled my eyes "ancient history i guess, her grand mother wronged my grand mother in school and every since then..." Audrey laughed "oh my gosh! so it really is ancient history!" i rolled my eyes again, "are you calling my grandmother ancient?" i said with a smirk. She laughed "no no not at all" i jumped off the counter and we ran to my room, for the rest of the night we talked about girls and boys, messed with stuff we shouldn't have, and probably summoned a few demons. I was on my bed laying vertically and she was on the floor laying horizontally "I gotta tell you something..." audrey spoke, i looked at her with a smile "what's up?" i said, she looked nervous "so know the fall parade..?" she said, stuttering a bit "yes..?" i said with a crooked smile and a raised eyebrow, "i still haven't told Annie you were gonna be coming.." i groaned loudly "you need to call her! right now!" she nodded and pulled out her phone "hey! so..umm...i invited Mae to the party with us.." i could here Annie yelling over the phone, i rolled my eyes Audrey explained it to her and Annie reluctantly agreed. I looked at Audrey with a disappointing stare washed on my face "well there's no escaping it now" i said as i rolled over, patting the bed for Audrey to get in. A few minutes later we were both fast asleep.

Just a fall flingWhere stories live. Discover now