Chapter 9: The Skies

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*Bold is Valyrian*

"Sister!", Aenar yelled running into my room thankfully both my wife and husband had left

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"Sister!", Aenar yelled running into my room thankfully both my wife and husband had left. "Aenar! Knock next time.", I said. "Is it true?", he asked. "Is what true?", I questioned. "That you married them both!", Aenar shouted. "Aenar I have just gotten home.", I whispered.

"Aaliyah how could you do that? Normal people would be killed for this. But you're so high and mighty you think it's okay for you to do it.", Aenar said. I take a look up at Aenar. "When was the last time you heard of two women or two men get killed for loving one another. Oh wait I'm the one who stopped the killings.", I stated. "You are my sister and I love you but what your are doing will cause riots to Rhaenyras crown.", he said.

"And since when do you care about my wife's crown?", I questioned. "I.... I'm just trying to help Aaliyah can't you tell.", he answered. "No I can't now if you'll excuse my wife is waiting with her and my children along with my husband.", I told him before walking out the room without a second glance.

I walk over and see Jacaerys standing with Vaenya. "Aunt Aaliyah did you know your dragons fly freely here?", Jace asked. "Well no you big dummy she's the Queen of course she knows.", Vaenya answered. "Sweetie be nice to your cousin.", I said placing my hand on my daughter's head.

I hear footsteps behind me and I turn around. "The Queen Consort Rhaenyra and King Consort Daemon have requested your presence in the garden.", Lillian said. I turn around towards my nephew and daughter. "Have fun I'm gonna go see my husband and wife.", I told them giving them both a kiss on the head before walking off.

I walk into the garden and see my wife and husband. I ran over jumping into Nyras arms and placing a kiss on her lips. "Hello my love.", Nyra said placing me down. "Are you just gonna stare at her or did you forget you have a husband too?", Daemon questioned. I turned to him and get on my tip toes and place a kiss on his lips. "I had fun last night. With the both of you.", I whispered.

"Now that we're married we can have a lot more of those nights.", Daemon stated. "I can't wait.", Nyra said. "I want you both to meet a couple people.", I whispered. "And who are these people?", Daemon asked. "They're people who hold a lot of importance to me.", I answered.

We walked away from the garden into the courtyard and I step in front of them. "It's time.", I said in my head. Next thing I knew three dragons were circling around us over head each landing next to one another. "They're gorgeous.", Rhaenyra whispered. "The largest is Dārys as you already know. Then there's his mate Daria and their daughter Sylvia. She's already almost as large as her father.", I stated.

"Are they going to hurt us?", Daemon asked. "No actually I was thinking if you were willing you would take them for a fly with me. They don't get much human contact besides for me and I cannot ride them all.", I answered. "We would love too.", Rhaenyra said. "Good you'll be riding Dārys he's my baby boy.", I told her.

We walked over to Dārys. "This looks new do you ride him bear-back?", Rhaenyra asked. "Yes I know it's unusual but he doesnt have a preference to them so I don't make him wear them.", I answered. "That is amazing.", Rhaenyra breathed out. I help her slowly get onto Dārys back. Then go over to help Daemon onto Daria.

"Hello my sweet girl.", I whispered as I pet Sylvia on her nose. "I've missed you.", she told me in my head. "And I you.", I said. I slowly climbed on her back. "Let's show my wife and husband how amazing you all are.", I told them in my head. All of them let out a roar and we all flew into the air.

"Dracarys!", I yelled out with a smile. Sylvia let out a breathe of fire and the three of us flew through it. "This is amazing!", Rhaenyra screamed. And from then on we flew around for hours.

We walk around the city and then I see my old hand maid Mary and her daughter Lola. "Queen Aaliyah!", Lola yelled before running over and jumping into my arms. "Hello Lola.", I said. "Queen Aaliyah.", Mary stated. "Mary what have I said about that.", I whispered. "My apologies Aaliyah.", she whispered.

"Who's these people?", Lola asked. "This is my wife and husband. Queen Consort Rhaenyra and King Consort Daemon.", I answered. "Hello little one.", Rhaenyra said picking Lola up from my arms. "Momma they are really pretty.", Lola said calling out to her mom.

"Lola come on sweetie your father wants to see you.", Mary said. "Okay momma.", she said getting down from Nyrad hands. "It was nice to see you Aaliyah.", Mary said. "You too Mary.", I stated as she walked off.

"God I love you both.", Daemon said placing his hand around us. "If you love me that much then I want another daughter.", I whispered looking up at him.  "Let's work on that then because that outfit is really saying we should.", he told me placing a kiss on my lips. "I was talking to Aelora earlier she said she wants all to have a dinner tonight.", Nyra said. "That shall be fun.", I stated.

I sat at the table taking a sip of my wine. My brother clears his throat and everyone looked at him as he stood up. "I would like to thank Daemon and Rhaenyra for showing my sister what love looks like.", Aerys said. A smile is placed on my face as both my wife and husband hold my hands.

And each of my family said a speech for us which left me surprised. At the end of my sisters they all look over at Aenar but he says nothing just taking a sip of his wine. I rolled my eyes before taking a bite of my food.

I laid in the middle of Daemon and Rhaenyra in my bed. "Is it just me or does Aenar not like us?", Daemon asked. "Nope.", Rhaenyra stated. "He just needs to warm up to you like I did.", I said giving them both a kiss.

"This place is beautiful Aaliyah it has an amazing view.", Rhaenyra said as she looked out my window. "It does but I have a better one.", I told her looking up at her. "Daemon I think you should work on what she wanted earlier.", Rhaenyra said smirking at Daemon. "I should shouldn't I.", Dameon whispered kissing me.

And Done

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