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AS THE FIVE OF THEM ENTERED THE FISH-SHAPED building Delilah followed Luffy as Usopp joined her side and they stood in front of the reception area of the building. "Welcome to Baratie, how can I help you today?" The host asked as he noticed the newcomers. "Hi, where do we eat?" Luffy asked.

"Do you happen to have a reservation?" The man asked, looking at the book in his hands. "Do we need to have one?" Luffy asked curiously. "Well, we happen to be very full today, but I can put you down on the waiting list. It's three weeks out." Usopp listened before giving him a charming smile. "Maybe you can check your book again, you wouldn't want to turn away the future king of pirates now, would you?" The man looked at them. "And who would that be, sir?"

"Monkey D. Luffy. Standing in front of you. Maybe you've heard of him already?" The man smiled. "Well, in that case we'll find you a table" Luffy smiled and looked at Usopp and Delilah. "Yes! I knew it!" Usopp and Luffy glanced down from the railing to the tables below and the people eating.

"In three weeks," The man mumbled under his breath as Nami sighed before walking forward and held out some money to the man. Delilah handed him some of hers as well as he smiled. "Please excuse them, they happen to be idiots."

"Of course, right this way ma'am." The man led them to their table and told them that their waiter would be with them shortly. Luffy sat on the end of the seat as Usopp followed him and gave some space to Nami and Delilah. "Sir, we could take your swords for you," A waiter offered as Zoro struggled to get into the seat next to Luffy before he held up his hand and dismissed the waiter. "I'll figure something out,"

Zoro got up and moved to the opposite end of the seat now sitting next to Delilah having his swords with him. "Here are your menus, your waiter should be here shortly." Delilah grabbed the menu eagerly and opened it before looking at the words on the menu and trying to decide what to eat.

Her attention was broken as she heard commotion before seeing a blonde man deal with two customers as he dusted his jacket and tried to calm the two men down just as one of them pulled a gun. The blonde kicked the guy's hand down and kicked the other man.

Delilah watched in awe as he settled the matter and addressed the people in the restaurant. "No cause for alarm forks, please enjoy your meals," The man said as he smiled at the crowd and brushed a hand through his blonde hair.

The blonde then walked up to their table and spoke in a monotone voice. "Hi. Welcome to our shitty restaurant where the only thing worse than the ambience is the food," Luffy grabbed a piece of bread from the basket on the table and began eating it. "My name is Sanji, what can I get you guys?"

"Mm! One of everything you have!" Luffy spoke with his mouthful. "Any drinks? Maybe one of our signature cocktails to choke down your meal?" Sanji asked them as he wrote down their order. "Giving us the hard sell, huh?" Nami asked him as Sanji looked at her.

"Apologies, madam I didn't see you there. Would you care to have an aperitif before we start? We have several rare micqueot vintages in stock. Or perhaps you'd like a glass of umeshu? You know, something sweet for someone sweet," Sanji winked at Nami.

"Is something wrong with your eye?" Nami asked him as Sanji smiled at her. "I'm just blinded by your beauty," Delilah chuckled under her breath as she watched Nami's expression. "Hey waiter, can I get a beer and something for my friends?" Zoro asked. "Make that two beers, I usually get three but not today." Usopp added. "I want a milk" Luffy said as Sanji wrote down their orders before looking at Nami. "And for the madam?"

"Water," Nami said.

"Will that be still, sparkling, mineral? Ice or no ice? Cubed or crushed?" Sanji asked her as Nami glanced at Delilah. "Regular water in a regular glass, thanks" Delilah laughed at Nami's words knowing that the orange head did not like Sanji's flirting.

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