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DELILAH FIDDLED WITH HER MOTHER'S NECKLACE THAT was now around her neck as she remembered Luffy word's of finding a ship. The four of them had made it to land before the ship had sunk and were looking for a good ship for the rest of their journey.

"You've got to be kidding me. . . that clown was worth 15 million berry? We should've stuffed his head in a bag and brought him with us." Delilah found herself smiling at Zoro's words as Luffy glanced at the bounty poster. "What Marine would ever pay us that bounty anyway? We are kind of wanted ourselves,"

Zoro looked at Luffy unimpressed. "All I'm saying is it gives us an even greater reason to get to the Grand Line," Luffy grinned. "For a fresh start. And the treasure, of course." Delilah grabbed Luffy's hat and placed it on her head trying to ignore the heat. "Can't forget about the treasure we're risking our lives for,"

Luffy grabbed his hat back and rushed to catch up with Nami as Delilah turned around to face Zoro. "You coming, mosshead?" Zoro huffed and ripped off Buggy's wanted poster as he and Delilah walked together catching up with their navigator and captain. "Found us a ship yet?"

"Not yet," Nami said as she looked at Luffy. "Still working on it. Did you push the sloop into the sea like I asked you to?" Luffy grinned at Nami. "Yup! No Marines are going to find us here," Nami nodded and spoke up. "Good, because we won't be staying here for long. Turns out that Syrup Village is known for their ships and ship building. We'll have lots of options for us,"

"Wow. Well, what are we waiting for?" Luffy walked in front of all the ships excitedly. "They're all so beautiful" Delilah was reminded of the ships her aunt used to tell her about in the stories she used to listen to at night. "How much do these cost anyways?" Zoro asked as Delilah wondered if they had enough money to get their hands on any of the ships here.

"You can ask but we can't afford any of them. They look and feel expensive," Nami said as Luffy explained to them about the type of ship they were looking for. Delilah walked ahead of them looking at all the ships around them before stopping to admire one with a sheephead.

Luffy brushed past her and climbed the stairs as he touched the sheephead in wonder and fascination. "Woah!" Delilah turned around to see Luffy smiling at the figurehead of the sheep. "A real beauty, isn't it?" A voice spoke as Delilah turned to see a black-haired boy looking at Luffy. "You can talk?" Luffy's statement made Delilah find him adorable as she watched Luffy with a smile on her face.

She felt a shoulder nudge hers as she looked to see Nami standing next to her. "Not really. Yo!" Delilah looked back towards Luffy and the guy. "It sure is," Luffy said, answering the guy's previous question. "What can you tell us about her?" Luffy said, looking at the ship with love and admiration. "Well, it is a caravel class, top-of-the-line, ninety-six feet pure luxury. Whipstaff rubber, full gallery. Including canon decks fore and aft." He finished with a chef's kiss as Delilah looked around to see a little boy watching them.

She waved at the boy who looked at her shyly and waved back. Delilah felt herself smile as she took a step forward to go talk to the boy only to feel a tug at her hand. Delilah turned to look up at Zoro who gave her a 'you're staying with me' look. "And technically, I'm not a salesman,"

She drowned the conversation as she placed a hand on her forehead as she felt a headache coming. "Fine. I guess it wouldn't hurt to say hello." Delilah looked up to meet Zoro's slightly concerned eyes as she brushed off his concern and joined to walk next to Luffy who was talking excitedly to her.

The walk from the shipyard to the house was long but Delilah didn't mind as she had Luffy's company, and the said straw hat boy found himself making the girl laugh quite a bit as he shared stories of his childhood. "I've never seen a house this big." Delilah turned to see a beautiful house as she stopped in her tracks getting a feeling of familiarity as Nami bumped into her. "Sorry," Delilah was surprised the thief had apologized to her as she listened to Nami and Zoro talk.

"Money really shows you who a person is. Most people only care about themselves and what is theirs." Nami said as she started walking in front of Delilah who was still looking at the house. "Sounds like someone I know," Zoro's voice came from behind her. "Well, a small staff is great. Means for easy picking,"

"Why? You gonna rob the place blind?" Zoro was now standing beside Delilah as Nami turned and grinned at them. "Maybe just a little blur. We could find use of the money," Delilah looked away from the house and found herself looking at Luffy, Nami and their guide Usopp.

"Are you okay?" Delilah looked at Zoro who Delilah had briefly forgotten about. "I'm fine, mosshead." She said and smiled at him as the two of them joined the rest of their crew and Usopp as a beautiful blonde girl greeted them standing next to a man that was clearly the girl's butler.

"Kaya! Happy birthday," The four of them watched as Usopp smiled at Kaya and threw the butler standing next to her a smug look. "You remembered?" The surprise and happiness was evident on the blonde, Kaya's, face. "Of course, I remember!" The butler cleared his throat. "Usopp. We've had this discussion before. You cannot show up here unannounced,"

"Nonsense, Klahadore," Kaya said. "Have you come to tell me more of your stories? I do love hearing about the adventures you have," Usopp smiled at Kaya and looked at the group standing behind him, her gaze briefly resting on Delilah. "I'll do you better. I was able to bring some of my crew for you to meet," He motioned towards the group as Delilah noticed the confused look on Luffy's face. "Is he talking about us?"

"Wow. It's so nice to meet you all. You must stay for dinner," Kaya said kindly as her eyes rested on Delilah a bit longer. "Miss Kaya, this is last minute, and the kitchen hasn't prepared for any last-minute guests," The butler, Klahadore, said as he narrowed his eyes at the group that had been introduced as Usopps' 'crew'.

"Please Klahadore? It's my birthday, it can't be too much trouble, can it?" Kaya looked at Klahadore who looked at them and looked back at Kaya. "Of course, Miss Kaya. Anything for you," Luffy grinned and shared a smile with Delilah. "Alright! When do we eat?" He asked as Delilah's stomach grumbled quietly.

"You don't. Not dressed like that at least. Sham, escort Usopp and his friends to the guest suites." Klahadore turned his attention to the group. "You will bathe and change before dinner," The five of them followed Sham as Nami spoke up. "A bathe does sound nice,"

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