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In fact, Delilah woke up to an alarm ringing loudly throughout the house and echoing loudly in her ears. She winced as she felt her head grow heavy, sitting up Delilah noticed that there was a blanket around her and a note on her drawer.

Grabbing the note she smiled at the scribbled writing that belonged to her mossheaded friend. "Gone to get a drink, don't get wasted princess" Playfully rolling her eyes Delilah got to her feet and grabbed her bags and her hair pin as it transformed into her bow and quiver.

Leaving her room Delilah rushed into the kitchen before realizing that no one was there. She heard a scream as she rushed towards the dining room before the doors of the house opened. Momentarily blinded by the light Delilah felt herself relax as she looked at Zoro and Luffy.

She rushed towards the two before throwing her arms around them. "Oh thank God, I thought you guys left me," Pulling away from the two Luffy pulled her into another hug as she felt him relax. They pulled apart as Delilah noticed that Zoro had a bruise on his knuckles. "You okay?" Delilah grabbed his hand and brushed her thumb over the bruise. "Nothing to bad, I can fix it up later mosshead,"

Zoro nodded as she noticed he was blushing. Why was he blushing? "We should go," Delilah nodded as she left her bags by the door and followed Luffy and Zoro while keeping her guard up. "What happened?" She heard a crash as they walked through a hallway and past a few rooms before they entered another dining room and then walked into an opening area with a fountain at the front.

Delilah stepped back in time as Luffy stood protectively in front of her as they were met with a man dressed as a cat and another girl. . . Klahadore's friends. "Here kitty, kitty," She heard claws scratch the surface of the rail of the stairs as the girl's eyes stayed trained on Delilah.

The girl jumped onto the floor as she threw a punch towards Delilah. Delilah ducked as a fight broke into the room. Kicking the girl away she shot an arrow to the man that was attacking Luffy. The cat jumped away quickly as Delilah tried to shoot her.

Her breath fastened as she turned to find the girl behind her. Ducking down Delilah grabbed an arrow from her quiver and pushed it in the girl's stomach, wincing as she saw the blood. Quickly getting back she punched the girl in the face as she felt a cloth tightened around her neck.

Struggling to breath Delilah tried to kick the man. She gasped for air as she felt him tighten his hold on the cloth around her neck. Trying to put her fingers between the cloth Delilah head-butted him and stumbled forward gasping for air as she felt herself struggling to stand up.

"Delilah," Looking up Delilah saw that Zoro was crouching in front of her as he helped her onto her feet. The two of them stood back to back fighting the pair dressed as cats. "Gum gum...." They heard Luffy's voice as Delilah grabbed the girl and choked her as Zoro dealt with the man.

She felt the girl stop struggling against her as Delilah released her hold and took a breath. She could hear hers and Zoro's breathing as Delilah turned to look at the moss headed swordsman. She watched as he approached her and wrapped his arms around her, seeing the princess struggling to breathe.

Matching her breathing with his Delilah heard footsteps and Nami's voice. "Delilah, oh God you're okay," She stayed pressed against Zoro trying to calm herself down as she heard Kaya speak. "I can't believe it, I trust Klahadore and h- he betrayed me,"

Delilah pulled away from the swordsman just to be pulled into a hug by Nami and Luffy. "I'm okay, guys. Just-I'm glad that you guys are okay," She said as they pulled apart and Delilah's hand rubbed the mark around her neck.

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