Son in law 3

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Krist stopped the car at the address that Singto had given or he forcibly made him spill so that he could be assured that the latter was safe instead of roaming around the street at midnight.

Singto turned to the door to unlock it but Krist stopped him by grabbing his arms.

"Don't think about anything and try to sleep a night, next daylight I will come-.." Krist was cut off harshly by Singto who yanked his hand back.

Krist eyes widen for a moment before softening after seeing Singto's apologetic look.

"I... I am sorry..... for earlier too... I shouldn't have to vent it on you... Thanks for dropping me!" Singto bows his head slightly before unlocking the door and hopping outside.

"I will appreciate and be grateful if you mind your own business and stop checking up on me," Singto slammed the door at the end and walked away.

"I didn't encounter anyone who tried to be rude in their soft voice!!" Krist laughed with his remark which was ignored by the walking figure. Krist drove off with a smile.

"When are you going to meet Sam?" Wad questioned which went unanswered.

"I prefer you because I don't want to speak to anyone and be alone, so please don't be like Aim," Singto sighed with his words before covering himself with a blanket.

"Where is he!!!" A deafening shrill made Singto pull his cover down and stare at Wad who smiled sheepishly.

"I didn't tell him to come-.."

"But you informed him I came to you and cried a lot at night, didn't you?" Singto let out another sigh after seeing Wad nod his head.

"Singto!!" Aim

"Honey!!" Oak

Singto didn't mind them he snuggled in the bed and covered himself completely with the blanket.

Wad explained what Singto told him last night to Oak and Aim.

"Vow... finally you won Sing!"

"What the fuck Ook?"

"What? This is what Singto wanted.... ask him to change me if I am wrong!"

"Singto!! Stop testing my patience" Aim yelled and made Singto sit at the bed.

Singto gazed at Oak who beamed at the latter.

"I tried Aim..... I tried to love Sam.."

"I know Singto... and you were almost there..."

"I was not Aim! I lied... I lied to my family because I don't want to hurt them, I lied to you all because I don't want you all to pity me.... and I lied to Sam because it was me.... who gave him H-hope.."

The three friends know how much Singto is a private person when it comes to expressing emotions but they don't think it was burning him alive.

"I tried to break the shackle I get myself into.... but all my attempt went in vain.... my heart was not ready to accept that... and it was always like that... sometimes... I hate myself for putting others first... I want to love myself and explore what I am by following both my mind and heart...." this time Singto raised his voice while his frustrated tears leaves from his orbs.

"So..... I thought to make myself bad... very bad.. so I... I deliberately dented..... Sam's favourite car... and shattered his phone..." Singto's face shows how much he is regretting it.

The three friends' eyes widen comically especially Aim who always treats Singto as one of the naive kids he ever discovers.

"And you say he is an angel!" Oak whispered at Aim who stood stupefied with disbelief look.

One shots/ short stories Book 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon