Son in law 2

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Singto is not feeling well, it's not because of his lost bracelet but cause of the firing gaze on him. He is uncomfortable by the stare of a strange man who is reading him with pointed eyes, it should be on Alex not him so he gets confused.

He squirmed and plotted a plan to escape the place. Before he uttered a word,   a question was raised towards him.

"What you do?"

Singto stiffened for a moment since the voice brought back a pleasant memory which he should have forgotten.

He swallowed and blamed his dirty mind for thinking of his sexual night. He composed himself before replying, "I am in the art department."

"He owns a studio.." Alex proudly announced.

"You never spoke of about your son's marriage?" Krist's mother questioned after recalling her memory.

"when it comes to Singto my mom becomes a crazy one!! They have not yet married Auntie, they are only engaged but my mom does not understand the difference!" Alex answered with a mocking look at her mother who scoffed at her with a look of shut your mouth.

"Singto was my husband's relative son, after he lost his parents we took his guardianship..."

"After his graduation, we asked him to live here, and one leads to another," she started sharing the story with a happy face.

Krist released a glad sigh before continuing his stare which started to infuriate Singto who tried to show his uneasiness through his look but nothing worked out.

"I want to use the restroom," Krist announced making Alex stand from her place to lead the way but Singto stopped her before leading him towards a guest room located behind the kitchen.

Once they came inside Singto slightly closed the door without locking it, he stood frustrated with crossed arms.

"Excuse me... do we know each other?"

"...." Krist didn't answer, instead he gazed at him again with his dark orbs.

"Or do I resemble anyone you knew?"

"..." another silence.

"For god's sake stop eyeing me!" Singto raised his voice losing his cool.

"Why the hell Mom choose this rascal for Alex!" Singto murmured before turning his heels to move out of the room.



"You look enticing....," Krist used his husky voice to declare his statement before taking a step closer to the dumbfounded Singto.

"...and cute too..."

Singto went red instantly cause he could feel the sincerity in that compliment. But after his mind yelled at him to not lose his sanity like last night he composed himself and sneered at the latter.

"How in the world mom found this perverted man!" Singto stomped his feet on the ground after not being able to resist the heated gaze on him.

He turned around to leave the room but stood in his place with a short of breath.

"Pervert? Thanks to my last night partner my mind is still in dirty mode..."

Singto couldn't believe the audacity of the person who was blunt about personal things.

"If you dare to accept this proposal I will kill you myself! You don't deserve Ale-..."

"Paradise club!"

Singto's legs went numb, the words which stopped his threat from completing were clear and resounded in the empty room.

Soon Singto found Krist invading his private space with a blank expression and studying eyes.

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