Story 3.5

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A/N: sorry for the late update.... I am trying my best thou... this too I written in rush.. so kindly ignore the mistakes, anyway happy reading and have a nice day everyone.

Kongpop spirited inside the cell having only one person and his wellbeing in his mind. He didn't expected Arthit to be close to the gate with awaiting look towards his way.

Once the guard opens the gate he hugged the latter releasing a glad sigh same like the opposite party.

"I knew it... I was feeling sick... weird like something wrong happening with you," Arthit whispered snuggling more at the latter's shoulders.

"Are you alright?" Arthit asked breaking the hug.

"I am not.... We have to leave," Kongpop declared in urgency.


Kongpop didn't explain further just turned to the prison's head who he yearned a respect in short time. He started to bargain with him who constantly rejected it and pointed out how much of chancy it is.

Kongpop assured him how it won't affect him and how he will take the fall. Arthit quickly intertwined asking kongpop not to take the blame for him and he will escape by himself soon.

However Kongpop didn't get persuaded instead he convinced Arthit with his pleading look. Kong's desperation melted Arthit who decided to escape with his mate.

Kongpop promised him to be back soon and went back to make an arrangement.

"You have to take Arthit with you," Kong announced while stepping inside the room.

Both Wad and the head healer turned to  his panicked sound.

"Kongpop, Wad already told about Prince's flower boy, investing yourself with him won't do an-..."

"He is no one's sir! Prince doesn't deserve him!" Kongpop told maintaining his voice low yet firm.

The healer goes silent while Wad sighed, "this is what I mentioned sir, he behave differently when it comes to that flower boy who is nothing but trouble for him!"

"Can you just stop exaggerating your reaction over him? He is not my trouble!! He is my.... I mean he is my friend who has a pure soul! He knows about Prince that's why he faked a wrongness to escape from Prince's hold!" This time kong raised his voice at Wad.

"What you mean by he knows about Prince?" The head healer enquired.

Kongpop elaborated the things  happened between the Prince and Arthit.

"If in case Prince found this, his first target will be Arthit, so he is not safe anymore!" Kongpop comments at the end.

"You are right," the elder healer agreed.

"Wad, how longer do you think we can hold before Prince know about you?"

"I am not sure if the guard see my face or not? Even if he has seen me I am not sure if he could recognise me or not, so I am guessing maybe a day before Prince aware of my digging on his project," Wad said his prediction.

"I think you should travel to North or  east, once you get under their kingdom our Prince can't do anything to you," the head healer suggested.

"Go to North, I have people, they will get you safely to the king, you can explain the situation to him and get help!" Kong confidently ordered.

"Then you should travel with them kong," the old man suggested.

"What?! No!! I will stay with you," Kongpop argued.

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