Road Trips and Reminiscing

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- Jade

Flame is staying up in Michigan for about a week. All his family is down there, he wants to say bye before he comes back.

College for him is down here in California. College, something I have not thought of yet.

I want to be alot of things. Top three would be a therapist, I want to help kids who went through trauma like I did.

A doctor, again I want to help people.

Lastly I want to be a police officer. Why? Because most of all I want to lock away every person like Winter.

I sighed and stood up.

My future is a mess.

But a better thought, I AM FORGIVIN.

I feel so light when I think about it.

Firefly doesn't hate me. Jaguar isn't angry with me. I feel so amazing.

I pulled out my phone and started a facetime with the group chat.

Sundew answered first.

"Bitch of the world here. How can I assist you?" she say's immediately. I grin.

"Just checkin in." I reply. Sundew nods and Luna picks up.

"Jade! How is it back in California? Tell me everything!" Luna squeals. "It's great." I say as Bumblebee and Willow join.

"Jade! Girlie, you have no idea what you are missing back here in Michigan!" Bumblebee excalims.

"What?" I ask eagerly.

"Oh, you're not supposed to ask. Just be jealous so I can feel better that I am stuck here while you're lucky to be in Cali." Bumblebee explains.

I chuckle.

"Tell us everything!" Willow urges. So I do.

I tell them about Flame's proposal and the party last night. It is nice to talk to them again.

"Wish we could be there with you." Willow pouts. "Aren't you three in Arizona right now? Either one of us can drive to eachother." I say.

Bumblebee gasps. "You guys are in Arizona?!" she exclaims.

Sundew stares at her blankly. "You didn't notice me gone for the entire week?" Sundew questions her sister.

"I did notice it was unusually quiet." Bumblebee mumbles. I laugh.

"How about this. I get some of my friends to come with me, and we will drive to Arizona for the weekend. That way we can meetup." I say.

Bumblebee pouts.

They all nod excitedly. "Oh, can we keep the Flame proposal a secret? My parents don't even know yet. And my friends certainly don't." I ask.

Sundew nods. "That's fine." she adds. I grin.

"Ok, I will see you guys soon." I announce before hanging up. I quickly grab my keys and drive over to Firefly's house.

When I get there Firefly is walking out the front door. "Hey." I say. She looks up and smiles.

"Since when did you become the driver?" Firefly teases. I shrug.

"What's up?" she asks. "So, I'm going on a little vacation to mert up with some friends back from Michigan. I was wondering if you wanted to come?" I explain.

"Oh, competition." she comments. I grin. "Don't worry, you and Rose are still the OGs." I say.

She smiles. "Why not. The rest of my family are flying out to meet some uncle that I never met, Jambu I think. I didn't bother to." she says.

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