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- Jade

I sat next to Jaguar nervously. He was supposed to wake up soon. But when someone is unconscious in a hospital bed I have some past trauma that kinda shakes me to the core.

Flame had been calling me all night. I don't know what to do.

On one hand, I'm really angry at him, I mean what he did was horrible. On the other hand, I love him. On the third hand, I love Jaguar.

So this is where im at. Fun right?

Suddenly Jaguar starts moving.

I sit up quickly. Slowly his eyes open.

"Whoa, bright much?" he croaks. I smile. A smile appears on his face, but he is still squinting.

"Firefly, where am I?" he asks groggily. "Oh it's not Firefly. And you're in a hospital." I say.

His eyes widen and he jumps slightly. "Jade. I didn't think you would be here." he says. I nod and look down.

"I should get a doctor." I said quickly. Jaguar watches me intently, but doesn't protest. I stand up and head to the door, and trip into the door knocking my head into the hand.

Immediately I wince. "You ok?" Jaguar asks. "Yep." I whisper seething in pain.

Slowly I stand up again and stalk down the hall mumbling insults to the door until I found a doctor.


- Jaguar

My head hurts. Alot.

So yeah that sucks, the lights are stupidly bright, and I can barely remember what happened.

The doctors basically told me I was almost beaten to death. Is Flame going to jail for attempted murder, physical abuse, no, because there is no solid proof.

But that's ok, I don't want Flame to be in jail, I just want him to stay away from Jade.

Today they let me out. And guess who I ran into?

You guessed it, Flame.

He walks up to me immediately. His eyes are bloodshot, and he has dark bags under his eyes.

"Look man, I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt you like that. I just wanted you to get what I was saying." he apologizes.

"Well, your message was pretty clear." I mumble. Flame scoffs.

"You know, I don't want to hurt Jade either." he says. I raise my eyebrows doubtingly at him.

"You think after everything she's been through, that I want to add to that list? So one day she can say, I was kidnapped, abused, ran over, got amnesia, and my fiancé cheated on me? I might not be the greatest person ever, but I'm not that sick." he explains.

"I dunno, you didn't to many other girls. What's so special about Jade to you? What makes someone like you deserve someone like her?" I snap.

He shakes his head. "First of all, I never deserved Jade. No one ever will. Second of all, Jade is special all around. She is kind and selfless, despite her past she still cares about others and doesn't use it for attention. She is beautiful and amazing." Flame says.

I nod.

But there's so much more than her past and her looks. Jade isn't just her past, and the fact that you define her like that shows thats how you think Jade is. Jade isn't her past, so maybe say something about her personality other than, she's nice.

"But you're right, I didn't deserve her, which means I couldn't keep her. Just treat her well man." Flame sighs, I can see tears brim aroumd his eyes.

"Wait what?" I ask. "Jade ending things with me. It happened the day you were in the hospital." he explains.

The Lost Outcast Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now