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This is picking up directly after the Bonus Chapter in The Lost Outcast Book Two so if you haven't read that go read it!

- Jade


My thoughts have pretty much been that for the past twenty to thrity minutes.

So yeah that's me right now.

"Jade?" I looked around quickly.

Oh, did I saw thrity minutes? Yeah, I meant like roughly ten hours. Same thing.

"Yes?" I asked. Flame smiled warmly at me. "So, last night, I think I caught the word amnesia? What is all that about?" he asked.

Oh, that.

Would you look at that my thoughts changed, how impressive.

"My last year here in California, during the end of the school year I jumper infornt of a car to save someone. I had serious injuries. I went into a coma for about two weeks, was predicted to die soon. Then one day I woke up and had no recollection of anyone in my life. I had Dissositive Amnesia." I explained.

I had never told Flame about any of this. It just was never the right time.

His jaw dropped. "I fell into a bad group of girls, started failing all my classes. I got in a fight with my parents, went out in the thunderstorm at an attempt to runaway. And evrything came back to me. But I still got expelled and sent away to Michigan." I said.

Shock covered his entire face. "That's crazy... why didn't you ever tell me about any of this?" he asked. I shrugged.

"That's probably the least of what I've been through. I haven't told you much about all the craziness." I told him.

He grabbed my hands. "Tell me, if we are going to get married I want to know everything." he said.

I sighed. "Well, at age one a man named Winter Blizz kidnapped me from my parents. He isolated me and emotionally abused me constantly. Just a week before my 16th birthday Winter told me I could go to highschool."

"I met my friends, Rose and Firefly and they told me about 'The Jade Winglet' a group our parents were in. Back then I thought Winter was my father. So I went to a sleepover with them. The next day Winter called and screamed at me. Firefly and her family overheard." I explained.

"When I got home Winter dislocated my wrist and split open my head. Deathbringer, Firefly, and Jaguar came to my rescue." I said looking at the wall and not Flame.

"I moved in with them. At the school dance I kissed Jaguar and he protected me from more of Winter's crap. On Jaguar's 16th birthday he was showing me all of the guests. And I met Moon and Qibli. They eventually figured out I was their daughter." I said.

I hesitated with the next part. It was emotional for me. I could already feel the tears coming.

"And-and we went to confront Winter. Winter saw me and he pulled out a gun and pulled the trigger." I whispered. Flame flinched.

"B-but when I looked down, I saw dad laying their in a pool of his own blood, dying." I said quietly. A few tears fell from my face.

I could picture the scene perfectly. It was sketched into my brain permanently.

"H-he died that day. I went two months without him. And then on the day of his funeral he came back to life. I- I don't know how." I explained.

"And then the whole amnesia thing happened." I added. Flame sat there wordlessly.

"I just didn't know when or how to tell you." I whispered. Flame pulled me into his arms. "You are so brave." he mumbled. I closed my eyes.

- Flame

I thought she was average. Just like every other girl I have ever dated. I was going to go out tonight and get a couple new girls.

But Jade sat here and told me her life story. The pain and horror she went through. I looked at her stunning emerald eyes with shock.

This girl has been through abuse, death of a loss one, amnesia, having to move away to everyone and everything she knows. And she still stands as if that was all a walk in the park.

As if she wasn't worth looking at. As if she didn't go through all that. It was so amazing.

Inspiring. And I felt different. I tried to look at life through Jade's eyes.

Do I really want to add to her list of horrible things she went through? And I knew the answer was no.

This girl has been through hell and back. And I wanted to keep her in heaven. Finally peaceful.

Finally ok after her 19 years I wanted her to be happy, and peaceful. I wanted to love her. And her to love me.

I had never felt this before. This girl just changed me.

How? What just happened? What am I doing?

I leaned in and kissed her gently, showing her love it sounds like she has barley gotten. She put her hand on my face and I thought of Jaguar.

I am so sick!

I remember winking at him last night. Boasting that I had the girl he was in love with.

Before I felt like Jade was a toy, I could play with her feelings and she would be fine eventually after I dropped her.

But now I felt as if I didn't deserve her.

I don't deserve her.

But I was too selfish to let her go. And too afraid that would cause her pain. I wanted to be her sheild. I wanted to keep every ounce of pain off of her.

So, Jade could live in bliss for the rest of her life.

And that is what I am going to try and do.

Yay!!! First chapter is out! Did you guys like it? Let me know, are you Team Jaguar or Team Flame 😂

The Lost Outcast Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now