☘️Chapter 1☘️

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•3rd POV•

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•3rd POV•

This chapter starts off with Eudora, Tiana's mother, reading a book while also making a dress. Three kids, Charlotte, Tiana, and Itadori listened to the story.

"Just in that moment, the ugly little frog looked up with his sad, round eyes and pleaded: "Oh, please, dear princess. Only a kiss from can break this terrible spell, that was inflicted on by a wicked witch"." Eudora reads.

"Here come my favorite part." Whispered Charlotte.

"And the beautiful princess was so moved by his desperate plea, that she stooped down, and picked up the slippery creature, raised him to her lips, and kissed that little frog. Then the frog turned into a handsome prince. They were married, and they lived happily ever after."

"Yay! Read it again, read it again!" Charlotte cheered.

"Sorry, Charlotte. It's time for us to be headin' home. Say goodnight, you two."

"There's no way, in this whole wide world... That I would ever, ever, ever, I mean never, kiss a frog. Yuck!" Tiana says.

Charlotte smirked. "Is that so?"

She practically smothers the cat into Tiana's face.

"Here comes your prince charming, Tia. Come on, kiss him!"


"Yes, yes!"

"Stop it! I won't, I won't, I won't!"

Itadori was just laughing in the background, hunching over and holding his stomach.

"I would do it. I would kiss a frog. I would kiss a hundred frogs, if I could marry a prince and be a princess." Said Charlotte.

"You girls, stop tormentin' that poor little kitty!" Eudora pulls the cat off the ceiling, and pulls the frog hat off.

"Poor little thing..."

Itadori pets the white cat, comforting the animal.

Then, Mr. La Bouff, Charlotte's father, walked through the bedroom door.

"Evenin' Eudora!"

"Daddy, daddy, look at my new dress! Isn't it pretty?" Charlotte asked.

"Haha, look at you! Why, I'd expect nothing less from the finest seamstress in New Orleans!"

"Ooo, I want that there." Charlotte says, pointing to the dress the princess was wearing in the book.

"Oh, no, sugar, come on..."

"I want that one! Please, please, please, please!" Charlotte begged.

"Eudora. You suppose you can web up something like that?" Le Bouff asked.

"Anything for my best customer." Said the seamstress.

"Yay!!" Charlotte cheered.

Eudora holds Tiana's hand as the small girl holds Itadori's.

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