🥀Chapter 11🥀

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•3rd POV•

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•3rd POV•

Itadori, Beast and Belle were all standing on the balcony, looking at the stars outside.

"Yuji? Are you happy here with me?" Beast asked.

Belle raised her eyebrows in surprise, not expecting Beast to be asking that question to her friend.

Itadori was hesitant, but then he added his head. "Yes." Then he looks away.

"What is it?"

Yuji became desperate. "If only me and Belle could see her father again, for just a moment. We missed him so much."

Beast became disappointed, but then he got excited. "There is a way."

Belle and Yuji share a confused look, and then they walked back inside the castle, following Beast.

Beast gives Belle the magic mirror, that was used when the duo and Beast first met.

"This mirror will show you anything. Anything you wish to see." Beast explained.

"I'd like to see my father please." Belle says, hesitant.

The magic mirror shines into life, the duo turn their heads away as it flashes. Then it reveals Maurice fallen in the woods, coughing and lost. The duo look with pure worry, and Beast looks in concern.

"Papa. Oh, no. He's sick, he may be dying. And he's all alone!"

Beast turns, looking at the rose in deep thought.

"Then... then you might go to him."

"...What did you say?" Yuji asked.

"I release you two. You are no longer my prisoners." Beast says.

Belle looks at Beast, amazed. "You mean... We're free?"


"Oh, thank you!" Belle looks at the mirror, "Hold on, papa. We're on our way!"

The duo turn to leave, but Yuji gives the mirror back to Beast.

"Take it with you, so you'll always have to look back and remember me."

Belle smiles. "Thank you for understanding how much he needs us."

Belle leaves, but Itadori stays. He reaches up and he touches Beast's cheek.

"We'll come back. I promise." Yuji says.

Beast looks at Yuji with a hopeful look, smiling faintly.

The pink haired boy returns the smiles and he quickly leaves to catch up with Belle. The duo rush past Cogsworth, who has entered the room.

"Well, your highness. I must say everything is going just peachy. I knew you had it in you." Cogsworth says.

Beast looked extremely sad, "I let him go."

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