Chapter Twenty Six - Quick Decisions

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Kenna sat quietly as she cleaned the spare ODM gear. She was glad that they were outside. The day was nice and the air was warm. They were by the red cliffs where they had started their journey as cadets. There were other cadets training with their blades by the cliffs. She looked up at Jean, Connie, and Sasha. Sasha and Connie weren't really focusing on cleaning the gear. They were too busy joking and laughing with each other. Kenan glanced to her left and saw that Jean was angrily cleaning the gear.

"What's on your mind, Jean?" Kenna asked as she looked back at her gear.

"I don't know why Shadis is making us do this?" Jean said. "Shouldn't this be a task assigned to the people who don't know what they're doing with the ODM gear? Why are the top four people cleaning it."

"Because we'll know if something is wrong with it," Kenna said as she examined the gear in front of her. "And the two of you need to stop messing around because we're almost done."

"It's fine," Connie said as he attempted to push Sasha off the bench. "It's not like Shadis is going to come and check on us."

Jean looked past them and saluted, "Sir."

Sasha and Connie jumped out of their seats. They wanted turned around and saluted. Kenna pursed her lips and attempted not to laugh. They whipped around and came around the other side of the table. Sasha took one arm and Connie took the other and drug Jean off the bench. They tackled him off and laid on him.

"Get off of me," Jean said as he pushed Connie and Sasha off of him.

"Come on you three," Kenna said as she grabbed the next ODM gear on the table. "We're almost done. We just have a few more to check."

"Fine," Jean said as he stood up and dusted himself off.

"What are you guys going to do after this?" Sasha asked as she sat across from Kenna. She grabbed one of the gear.

"I might go for a run," Kenna said as she cleaned the gear. "I didn't get one in this morning before training."

"How are you always running?" Connie asked. "I'm pretty sure I would die if I ran as much as you."

"I use to run to get myself to fall asleep," Kenna said. "But over the past two months, I haven't been waking up in the middle of the night as much. Now I just run to keep my title as best runner in the 104th Cadet Corp." She placed the ODM gear in the box. There were no more for her to grab. Jean, Sasha, and Connie each had one. They put theirs in the box.

"Good to see that you four finished this up," the gear manager said as he walked up to them. "This is the fastest I've seen a group finish this up." He grabbed the box. "You four are dismissed."

"Great," Jean said as he stood up from the table.

Kenna, Sasha, and Connie joined him. They all walked in a line.

"You two never answered me," Sasha said as she looked between Jean and Connie. "What are you two doing after this?"

"Marco and I are studying for exams next week," Jean said. "We want to make sure that we make it into the MPs."

"I don't know," Connie said. He looked at Sasha. "What are you doing?"

They walked close to the red cliffs. Out of the corner of Kenna's eyes she saw two boys messing around. Something silver caught her eye as Jean, Connie, and Sasha continued their talks. Kenna looked towards it. Kenna's eyes widened as she saw that they had their blades. The cadets weren't allow to have their blades unless they were being supervised. The boy with blond hair brought the blades back, but it was clear to Kenna that he didn't understand how close he was to the stone.

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