Chapter Twenty Five - Obstacle Course

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Kenna stood on the branch of the tree and surveyed the obstacle course set in front of them. The tall wooden structures were their only way of getting through this; they were close enough for them to sink their grappling hooks into. There were six structures in the first row with a varying number after that. Kenna could barely make out where they ended. Shadis was smart to have the edge of the forest be the start of the obstacle course. She was acutely aware of all the other teams standing on the other trees. She didn't know what had her stomach in knots more, the test or Shadis's icy glare.

"Cadets, today's objective is simple," Shadis shouted at all of them. "You are to reach the other side of the obstacle course as quickly as possible. The first five teams back will get double rations tonight." There was a murmur among the cadets. Kenna was pretty sure that she could see Sasha drooling from here. "You can use any method to get to the other side the fastest including attempting to sabotage any other teams. All members of a team must cross the finish line to have it count. You can not send one person ahead and call it a day." Shadis looked down the line of cadets. "You have three minutes to discuss a strategy with your team."

"All right," Marco said as he, Mikasa, and Kenna all made a circle. "We just need to prioritize speed. Kenna, you'll set the pace. You're the fastest next to Jean. Mikasa keep an eye out for anyone trying to keep us from getting to the end. If they try something, make sure they can't finish it."

"We'll have to be careful," Kenna said as she looked at the obstacle course. "There look to be false boards that will give away."

"You can tell that all the way from here?" Marco asked.

"The way their set up is just slightly different," Kenna said. "They don't have the proper support. If we try to put our weight on it, it'll give out."

"All right," Marco nodded. "Mark our path. Mikasa and I will keep everyone else away. If someone does manage to break through, we'll shoot up straight in the air. They can't take out our hooks if they're not attached to anything. The others will just have to make sure that the next boards are clear."

"Please," Kenna said. "With Mikasa by our side, no one will attempt to mess with us."

"The top teams will all be made of our friends," Mikasa said. "We don't have to worry about them. We just have to move fast enough to keep everyone else far behind us."

Marco smiled at them, "We can do that."

"All right maggots, time is up," Shadis yelled at them. "Get in position. You'll start on my mark." Shadis was silent. Kenna used the opportunity to map where they should place their grappling hooks first. Her eyes zeroed in on the best course.

"Go for the structure second from the left end," Kenna told her teammates as they squatted down. "We'll get a good hold and can sling ourselves high to get two rows ahead." Kenna could feel her energy wanting to spring into the air.

"We follow your lead," Marco said.

There was another moment of anxious silence. Kenna could feel everyone's nerves in the air. That's when it happened.


Kenna sprung into action. Her grappling hooks snuck into the top board of the structure second from the left end. It was the closest structurally sound tower. Her grappling hooks pulled her towards the structure. Just as she was about to collide, she used her momentum to soar through the air. She released her grappling hooks and shot them towards the next structure. Kenna only had a moment to pick the best one. She picked the middle structure of the third row. Around her, she heard the sound of wood cracking. Some people had fallen victim to the false boards. Kenna suppressed a smile. All of the cadets should have known better by now.

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