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"Uuugghhhr" Why is it so hard to fall asleep? Why can't I just fall asleep? I've been laying here staring at into the dark for about an hour and still nothing... I'm still awake. What's the point of laying here any longer except for getting more annoyed?

I get up and grab my phone, book, and glasses since it's late and my eyes will probably get tired. I make my way out of the room as quiet as possible. I don't wanna wake Hailee up. I go downstairs and search for a light switch. When I find it I turn it on and a warm light turns on in the living room which brightens everything just enough that I can see everything clearly.

She has a piano? How did I not see that earlier? I probably was too focused on what was happening at that moment. But it's beautiful and big. I go over and take a seat and put my stuff next to me. I gently open the cover and run my fingers over the keys.

I don't play a lot of instruments but I learned a bit of piano so if one day I'd see one I'll be able to play at least one song. And I guess that work finally paid off. I hit the key softly and then I realize Hailee is asleep and maybe I'm not supposed to be touching this.

I wanna close it again but then I hear her voice. "It's alright I don't mind if you played it" I hear her whisper. I immediately look over my shoulder and there she is standing on the stairs with her arms crossed in a plain black T-shirt and some joggings.

"I'm sorry if I woke you up." I whisper as she walks down the last pair of stairs "Oh no don't worry I couldn't sleep and then I heard some noise coming from downstairs so I thought I'd go take a look." She says and I just nod while closing the cover of the piano again "Why are you awake?" "I couldn't sleep either." "Right, of course. Idiot" she says whispering the last word to herself.

"So do you play the piano?" She asks "No, I only know how to play one song and that's about it." "Would you like to learn?" "Yeah, but I don't have the time or money to get piano lessons." I whisper looking back at her "I could teach you right now if you want to?" She asks which makes my eyes widen "I mean you don't have to it's just an offer." She whispers "No yeah sure at least if you wanna teach me." "Ofcourse I want to, why else do you think I asked it?" She asks and we both chuckle a bit "Got a point there." I whisper


"See you got it. You're a pro Yn, you sure you didn't know how to play?" She asks as I just finished playing a pretty complicated song. "Well thank you but no I'm sure I couldn't play the piano three hours ago," I whisper as we both laugh a bit. But as we calm down it gets quiet and we just look at each other not really knowing what to say right now.

"Hailee?" I whisper as she just gives me a slight nod "I'm sorry" "For what? Why are you sorry my love?" "For everything I said and caused." I whisper letting out a slight sigh of relief "You don't have to apologize for anything my love. I should be the one apologizing, not you. You didn't say or do anything wrong." She whispers as she's looking deep into my eyes which is really intimidating so I quickly look back in front of me.

"Are you mad at me that I wanted to sleep in the guest bedroom?" I ask looking down at my hands while I start playing with them but then she just grabs my hands which makes me look up at her "No, not right now. It kinda hurt me when you told me you didn't wanna sleep with me but I get it. I caused you a lot of pain and now I'm expecting you to take me back like nothing ever happened. And that's wrong of me to think that cause I know what I did and I don't care how long it takes for you to forgive me even if you'll never forgive me I don't care I'll keep apologizing and feeling guilty for being so selfish. But no I'm not mad I understand it I do." She explains and I just give her a slight nod before looking down at our hands as she does the same.

Then she seems to realize as she quickly pulls her hands back and apologizes in a whisper. I don't know what to say so I just keep staring down at my hands. Her touch... It felt-It felt so good... I look up and I see her looking everywhere but me and she's getting nervous. And before I can say or do anything she stands up and walks away

"You hungry?" She asks "No, thank you though" I whisper standing up too and then she immediately walks away. Did she feel it too? The spark, did she feel the spark I felt?    

I've been reading on the couch for about an hour now. After Hailee kinda left me with a million questions I went upstairs and got ready and now I'm just reading on the couch. I had to put on my glasses since I barely got any sleep and so my eyes have gotten tired. But not so tired to fall asleep, unfortunately.

I haven't seen or heard Hailee either since our moment. Anyway as I'm reading the bell suddenly goes and as I look up I hear Hailee running downstairs. Then she goes and opens the door revealing a tall blonde woman. Wait that's Taylor Swift!!!

No fucking way. THE Taylor Swift is HERE like in here here, the same room here the same house here. Oke Yn stay calm now she's just a human too. "Thank god you're here. Let's go I need to speak to you." Hailee says as she drags Taylor inside but then Taylor spots me and stops and shoots me a small smile which I give back

"Oh hello there." She says "Hi" "Oh now I get why you wanted to talk to me," Taylor says to Hailee "it's not what you think she's just a friend from New York who will be staying here for a week." Hailee says. Right a New York friend. I don't know why it hurts me cause it's the truth we're just friends. But deep inside me, I wished we were more than friends. Deep inside I wished I was more than just a casual New York friend.

I let my smile drop and immediately focus back on my book hoping they didn't see the disappointment on my face. "Oke now lets go Tay you can meet her after I really need to talk to you right now"

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